Starting along the Cow Creek Trail.

Wrapping around the slope to get into the Cow Creek drainage. Hoback River below on the left.

View back as I near the Cow Creek drainage and start ascending north along the trail.

Ascending north.

View back down the Cow Creek drainage.

Peak 8566 visible on the left. I'd be getting that one on my way back.

Another shot back as the trail curves and starts heading northwest.

Peak 10013 comes into view.

The trail descends a little along a low ridge.

Ridgeline visible ahead, Peak 9383 (right) and Peak 9720 (left) in view.

View back.

Peak 10013 on the right.

The east ridge of Peak 9720 seen ahead. Cream Puff Peak seen far left.

A junction. Left leads to the hunter camp. right is marked as simply "Trail".

View toward the hunter camp.

An unmarked junction. Left leads up to Cream Puff Peak, right toward Peak 10013. I kept to the right.

A bit of wiggling through the forest on a nice trail.

And then I emerged into a field.

The trail ascended through a meadow, quite overgrown.

View back toward the forest. It was actually easy to stay on the trail, but it was very overgrown.

The brush dies down a little as I head along the slope toward the ridge above.

Another shot back at my progress, Peak 8566 seen left of center.

The last little bit to gain the ridge, seen on the left. Peak 10013 seen top right.

Along the ridgeline to Peak 10013, a social trail helping lead the way.

View back along the ridgeline, Peak 9383 seen on the right.

Peak 10013 seen center. The trail fades away just ahead.

Ascending a slope to some talus.

View back down the talus.

A nice view north along the way.

Class 2 to the summit of Peak 10013.

View back along the ridgeline to come.

Summit of Peak 10013, view toward Gros Peak.

Summit view toward Doubletop Peak.

Close-up at the ridgeline, Cream Puff Peak seen far left.

After returning from Peak 10013, now headed south.

View back toward Peak 10013 on my way to Peak 9383.

Another shot back, higher up.

Peak 9383 summit, view toward Peak 9720.

Along the ridge to Peak 9720. It's got some brush, but nothing more than ankle-height.

View back at one of the humps along the ridgeline.

Steeper section on my way up Peak 9720.

Mostly open hiking with some sparsely-vegetated forest.

View back along the ridgeline, Peak 10013 seen center.

Close-up toward Peak 10013.

Just below the summit of Peak 9720, looking back down a steep section.

Northern summit of Peak 9720, view toward the southern knoll.

Cream Puff Peak ahead.

View back toward Peak 9720.

Nearing the saddle with Cream Puff Peak.

Social trail up Cream Puff Peak.

View back toward Peak 9720.

On the false summit, view toward Cream Puff Peak's high point.

Hoback River below.

Cream Puff Peak summit, view northeast.

Close-up toward Gros Peak (right) and the Tetons (left).

From the saddle, I headed on what was marked as a trail, but no longer is. It traversed beneath Peak 9720 (top left).

View back toward Cream Puff Peak at the nonexistent trail.

It got a bit brushy and there were lots of little lumps along the way.

Finally, back on a trail. I believe this is what the trail would look like if you take the easy ridge of Peak 9720 instead.

Descending the trail.

On my way back, a quick detour to go get Peak 8566, hidden by the lump ahead.

Just below the summit of Peak 8566, view back. Peak 10013 seen center.

A shot on the way back down the Cow Creek Trail.
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