From my parking spot off E Lake Mead, I followed the road past the gate. The Minefield visible top right.

Heading up The Minefield.

Looking back toward my car (center somewhere). Frenchman Mountain visible top.

The Minefield summit, view north toward The Triple (left) and The Double (top right). The Double was next on my list, which I accessed via the drainage in the center of this photo.

The Minefield summit, view east toward Lake Mead.

I dropped off The Minefield and headed into the drainage.

View back toward The Minefield. Descended from the center of the photo.

The double.

Class 2 slickrock-like slabs.

Looking back as I ascend The Double. I came from the drainage on the left. The Triple is visible center. Frenchman Mountain top left.

Close-up toward the drainage I came up (left) and The Triple (right). Coyote Skull Peak visible top left of The Triple.

The Double summit.

Back at the base of The Double, headed to The Triple ahead. The Minefield visible on the left.

Ascending The Triple, view back toward The Double.

The Triple summit, view toward The Minefield (left) and my car somewhere right of center.

The Triple, view toward Coyote Skull Peak, left of center. You can see the drainages I'd have to navigate below.

I wrapped around the north side of The Triple because its cliffs guarded its west side and headed through the desert and washes.

View back toward The Triple and its western cliffs.

Navigating washes. Coyote Skull Peak visible top left.

Heading up to Coyote Skull Peak.

Class 2/2+ up Coyote Skull Peak's west ridge.

View back toward The Triple (left of center) as I ascend Coyote Skull Peak.

Coyote Skull Peak ridgeline to the summit.

Coyote Skull Peak summit, view toward Sunrise Mountain (top right). Division Peak and Unity Peak on the left.

Heading back down from Coyote Skull Peak, headed to the wash in the center of this photo.

Continuing down, almost within the wash. The Wash led me back to my car.

View back toward Coyote Skull Peak.
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