Starting through the open desert toward the southeastern ridge. Coyote Mountain seen top right.

Crossing a wash to gain the southeastern ridge.

A social trail takes us up Coyote Mountain's southeastern ridge.

The ridgeline to come.

View back down at our progress. Rockhouse Canyon Road is seen left, where the car is.

Somewhat flatter section where the trail is well-defined, Coyote Mountain up there somewhere.

Another shot back along the southeastern ridge.

Well-defined social trail, though there were some rockier sections.

Looking back as we work toward the last push to Coyote Mountain. Villager Peak's ridge seen top left.

Coyote Mountain ahead.

Last bit to the summit, a bit steeper and the trail is slightly harder to locate.

Summit of Coyote Mountain, view back down.

View toward Indianhead to the west.

View toward Rabbit Peak (right) and Toro Peak (left).

He'll take any chance he can to pole dance.
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