Starting from the trailhead toward Courthouse Butte, seen ahead.

Approaching the base of Courthouse Butte, where a social trail leads up to the gully left of center in this photo.

Ascending the first gully, Class 2.

View back down the first gully.

Above the first gully, a ledge leads east.

Wrapping around beneath the sheer cliff.

The ledge led to the gully seen on the right.

View back down the second gully, Class 2.

Second gully on the right, hairpin turn leads along the ledge seen center.

A view of Bell Rock (center) once above the second gully (seen bottom left).

Approaching a Class 2+ move on some roots within the short chute seen center.

Above the Class 2+ roots, more ledge walking.

The ledge wraps around into a large amphitheater-like feature. The route heads up the slope seen center. The crux is visible top right.

A quick stop at the base of some ruins.

View back toward the ledge we were on in the previous photo (center), as we ascend the Class 2 brushy slope.

At the top of the slope, along another ledge. We came up from the right in this photo.

View along the ledge.

Farther along the ledge, view back toward the brushy slope we came up (center).

Along the sloped ledge, Class 2/3.

The ledge leads to the crux, seen here. We were fortunate there was a fixed line in place.

Josh starting up the first portion, pretty vertical.

View down the first part.

Amber on the second part, more vertical. There was a bolt, I assume helpful in case the fixed line isn't here. We are all standing on the small ledge separating the two parts of the crux.

View down at Shawn coming up the second part.

Josh coming up the last bit of the crux. You can see the ledge we were on earlier in the center of this photo.

Class 4 move past the crux.

Class 2 to the summit.

View down the slope on our way to Courthouse Butte's summit.

Courthouse Butte's summit ahead. Class 2/3 to get up its little protective cliff band.

Courthouse Butte summit, view west toward the way we came.

Courthouse Butte summit, view north.

Courthouse Butte summit, view east.

Rappelling down the crux.
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