Starting along the Grapevine Trail.

Grapevine Trail. You can see Signal Peak in the distance, and the peaks we're doing today in the center in front of Signal.

I didn't get a photo of the basalt cliff, but we headed over it and continued through the desert, passing over this wash. Peak 4416 (our first peak) visible right of center.

Peak 4416, center.

Heading up the ridge leading to Peak 4416, a Class 2+ move at its base.

Peak 4416 ahead.

View back the way we came as we head up to Peak 4416. You can see the Grapevine Trail on the top left, where we came from.

Summit of Peak 4416, view east.

Summit of Peak 4416, looking northwest at our traverse to-come. Signal Peak visible top right.

View back as we head along the ridge crest, Peak 4416 visible top right.

Class 2 along the ridge, ahead an easy Class 3 section.

Coming up the easy Class 3.

View back toward Peak 4416.

View down to the saddle separating us from Peak 4583.

Close-up at the steep, loose Class 2+. We headed down the ridge about halfway and then kept to the left onto more pleasant terrain.

Just past the saddle as we ascend to Peak 4583. You can see the ridge we avoided on the left.

Sheer slickrock faces prevented direct access up to Peak 4583. Instead, we headed to the left toward the lonely juniper (I think I remember it being a juniper) over there.

Above the juniper on the Class 3 slab.

Above the slab, more fun Class 2 slickrock scrambling.

Above the slickrock, some Class 2 on loose terrain. You can see Peak 4416 peeking out on the left, our first peak from earlier.

Continuing along the ridge from Peak 4583.

Class 2 down from Peak 4583.

Really amazing slickrock formation on our way up to the false summit of Peak 4620.

Close-up of the formation.

Ascending to Peak 4620, Zion National Park visible top right, Red Cliffs NCA on the left.

View back toward Peak 4583.

False summit of Peak 4620. True Peak 4620 on the right.

Crossing a small slickrock bowl on the way to Peak 4620.

Ascending to Peak 4620. We will be returning to the ridge behind Austin to make our descent.

Peak 4620 summit, view north. The peak ahead may look like a tempting objective, but it's actually not even a peak, just part of the Red Cliffs rim.

Peak 4620, view toward Signal Peak.

Back on the false summit ridge of Peak 4620, we began heading down the obvious ridge.

Class 2+ down-climb.

Before the end of the ridge, we descended to the left into this convoluted terrain ahead. MY recommendation is head toward the rocky cliffs and work to the center of this photo, higher ground.

View back toward Peak 4620, center.

Peak 4620 and Peak 4583 center, Peak 4416 far right. The peak on the far left may look like a tempting objective, but it's actually not even a peak, just part of the Red Cliffs rim.

We continued through the desert and entered a wash.

We followed this wash, alongside some kitty cat prints, back to where we crossed over it earlier in the day.
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