It was a bit difficult to find the trail at first, but after wandering north up a big desert wash I stumbled on cairns and a social trail.

Corkscrew Peak ahead on the left/center.

Big open wash for a while.

A minor drainage on the left.

View back.

I followed a minor canyon/drainage.

Looking down into the canyon from the exit of the canyon as I start up a minor ridge. Easy to follow trail from here on.

Continuing up toward Corkscrew Peak.

View back. You can see the wash I came in on, and the minor canyon/drainage I just left to gain this minor ridge.

Corkscrew Peak ahead. Quite a good trail now.

View back along the ridgeline. I came from the open desert in the center of this photo.

The trail ascends to the cliff band protecting Corkscrew Peak's summit.

View back into Death Valley.

Above the cliff band.

Cool arch ahead a bit before the summit.

Couldn't help myself.

Final bit to the top.

Looking back as I near Corkscrew Peak.

Almost to the Corkscrew Peak summit looking west-ish.

Corkscrew Peak summit looking south-ish.

Corkscrew Peak summit looking north-ish.

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