Copper Mountain, seen from out parking spot.

Fortuitous gully visible center.

Bottom of the gully.

Class 2 all the way up.

View down the gully.

Top of the gully, view toward Copper Mountain's high point (top right). We could have done option one: keep low and to the right below the cliff band; or option two: pull a Class 2+ move and get to the ridgeline above. Definitely do option 2.

Class 2+ move.

Above the Class 2+ move, headed to the ridgeline, Copper Mountain visible ahead.

View back as we make our way to the ridgeline, lots of cholla serving as obstacles.

Copper Mountain on the left, Parker AZ on the right.

Along the ridgeline, gorgeous view.

Cool overlook with a sheer cliff, seen along the ridge.

Looking back along the ridgeline.

Copper Mountain ahead.

Summit of Copper Mountain, view back along the ridgeline. Whipple Mountains High Point visible in the distance.

Copper Basin Reservoir below.

Copper Mountain summit, view toward Monument Peak (the pinnacle on the left).
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