Starting from the graded road, we headed northwest toward the traverse. On the left you can see Peak 9860. The road leads to the right in this photo.

The road ends, and this little trail continues to the ridgeline.

Along the ridgeline.

View back as we progress to Peak 9860.

A hump along the way, a view toward Peak 9860 (right), and Copper Mountain (center).

Animal trail leading up to Peak 9860.

View back toward the hump before Peak 9860.

Peak 9860 ahead. An animal trail leads around another hump.

View back along the ridge from the summit of Peak 9860.

Peak 9860, view toward Copper Mountain (right).

Nice stroll down from Peak 9860.

And then more nice hiking up to Copper Mountain.

View back toward Peak 9860 (left).

Copper Mountain ahead.

Copper Mountain summit, view back toward the traverse so far.

Copper Mountain summit, view toward the Jarbidge Mountains.

Heading down from Copper Mountain, Silver Mountain seen ahead. Class 2 talus/scree starts down from Copper Mountain.

Some potentially annoying sagebrush farther down as we neared the saddle. I recommend ascending to the left in order to gain Silver Mountain's ridgeline. It avoids the majority of the bushwhacking.

On the north ridge of Silver Mountain.

View back toward Copper Mountain.

Ascending to Silver Mountain.

Close-up back toward Copper Mountain (left). The pass where we parked is seen right of center.

Silver Mountain summit, view south.

We backtracked to the saddle and hopped on the Copper Mountain Trail.

Overall the trail was very good.

View back toward Silver Mountain.

A little overgrown at times as the Copper Mountain Trail mostly stays horizontal along the eastern slopes of the traverse we just did.

Jarbidge Mountains in the distance.

View back.

Sometimes the brush encroaches a bit and we did have to bushwhack for short periods until we located the trail again.

View back, now roughly at the base of Peak 9860.

The Copper Mountain Trail reached a road. This is a view back along the trail/road.

An old cabin along the road.

View back as we approach the car.
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