Cloud-Climbing Rail Trail in Lincoln National Forest, NM

Hike Cloud-Climbing Rail Trail Lincoln National Forest, NM

Class 1 2.8 miles 500 gain 1-2 hr Loop Apr 10, 2016

Cloud-Climbing Rail Trail GPX Track

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Located in the Sacramento Mountains of New Mexico, the Alamagordo-Sacramento Mountain Railway was abandoned in the mid 1900s, and now remains a preserved bit of history. This Cloud-Climbing Rail Trail is a short excursion that checks out the Mexican Canyon Trestle. A short hike leads down from the parking area along a few switchbacks and down to a viewpoint of the trestle. Along the way there are some old wooden remains from the line. To make the hike into a loop I took the lower portion on the way back, just a nice woodsy walk.

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Along the Cloud-Climbing Rail Trail, just after leaving the trailhead.
Along the Cloud-Climbing Rail Trail, just after leaving the trailhead.
Some historic remains off the trail.
Some historic remains off the trail.
A switchback along the well-maintained trail.
A switchback along the well-maintained trail.
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The Mexican Canyon Trestle.
The Mexican Canyon Trestle.
The Trestle. From here I took a lower portion of trail to form a loop.
The Trestle. From here I took a lower portion of trail to form a loop.
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Image 7 from gallery

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!