Cleve Creek Baldy in Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, NV

Hike Cleve Creek Baldy Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, NV

Class 1 5.6 miles 2000 gain 2-4 hrs Out + Back Sep 12, 2023

Cleve Creek Baldy GPX Track

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One of the more southern notable peaks of the Schell Creek Range near Ely NV is Cleve Creek Baldy. Despite being  located far from the higher peaks like North Schell Peak, it still reaches nearly 11,000 feet. After enjoying so much of the rest of the range, I was looking forward to this summit. Some maps include a vague dotted line labeled "4WD Pack" drawn to nearly tree line, so there was a chance I would be able to reach the peak without having to bushwhack. Like many times before, there was a chance this dotted line no longer existed, but I figured it was my best chance. I drove the lovely Success Loop Scenic Drive to just north of a pass called Success Summit until I reached the start of this potential "trail". Finding a good ATV trail right where the map said it would be, I only hesitated in starting my hike because a small sign on the north side of the road read "No Trespassing". I interpreted this to mean the land surrounding the road was private property, but the trail/road was fair game. I'm not sure if that's true, but I'd already driven way out here and there were ATV tracks in the mud and no other barricades trying to deter me. I left my sparkly new car behind, and I'm glad I did because the ATV trail quickly deteriorated into pinstripe-inducing trees and deep ruts.

The ATV trail was pretty, a mostly forested hike with some rock outcroppings poking out along the way. It started to ascend up a wide gully, narrowed, and eventually downed trees prevented further ATV travel. After a bit under a mile from the trailhead, the ATV trail became singletrack and continued more steeply up the wide gully. I was surprised at how good its shape was, and it clearly gets regular attention. The hike continued through short spurts of meadow and up to the wide gully's head, the trees growing more sparsely and opening into a pretty meadow. I spotted a large storm cloud. A bit annoyed since I was scared off a larger hike with Matt earlier in the day, I started moving more quickly so that I wouldn't have two failures in the same day due to weather. The trail bent east and continued through more open terrain at the cusp of tree line. I passed a pretty viewpoint to the north where the land eroded away into steep slopes punctuated by cliffs.

Cleve Creek Baldy's summit was visible just ahead, sort of nothing more than a large hill covered in meadows. The trail faded away and I continued directly east up the gradual slope, which began mostly free of brush. Trying to move quickly as thunder began growling above, I tripped a few times on the brush as it thickened, but you could easily dodge it all. I was just on a mission to not get struck by lightning. As I snagged a few stormy shots on the summit of Cleve Creek Baldy, a loud thunderclap directly overhead had me running back. At least I'd gotten to the summit and salvaged the day, even if I couldn't spend time looking around at the various surrounding Great Basin peaks. I later found out that Matt wasn't as lucky with his consolation peak attempt due to a flat tire.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Cleve Creek Baldy
10942 ft
887 rise

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Hiking along the ATV trail.
Hiking along the ATV trail.
Some rock outcroppings along the way, but it's mostly a forested walk on an ATV trail for the first bit.
Some rock outcroppings along the way, but it's mostly a forested walk on an ATV trail for the first bit.
Ascending along the ATV trail. It got pretty rough and soon impassable for motorized vehicles.
Ascending along the ATV trail. It got pretty rough and soon impassable for motorized vehicles.
The ATV trail became a singletrack trail, which ascended a wide gully.
The ATV trail became a singletrack trail, which ascended a wide gully.
View back.
View back.
A surprisingly good trail for not appearing on many maps.
A surprisingly good trail for not appearing on many maps.
View back as I ascend toward tree line.
View back as I ascend toward tree line.
Approaching the northern slope of Cleve Creek Baldy at the top of the wide gully.
Approaching the northern slope of Cleve Creek Baldy at the top of the wide gully.
View back from the top of the wide gully.
View back from the top of the wide gully.
A shot back as I begin toward Cleve Creek Baldy.
A shot back as I begin toward Cleve Creek Baldy.
Cleve Creek Baldy seen ahead.
Cleve Creek Baldy seen ahead.
Along the way, a view toward the steep slopes on the northern side of Cleve Creek Baldy.
Along the way, a view toward the steep slopes on the northern side of Cleve Creek Baldy.
The trail peters out at the base of Cleve Creek Baldy.
The trail peters out at the base of Cleve Creek Baldy.
I continued through the meadow up to the summit.
I continued through the meadow up to the summit.
View south toward the pretty meadows and threatening storm as I head up.
View south toward the pretty meadows and threatening storm as I head up.
View back. I came from just right of center in this photo.
View back. I came from just right of center in this photo.
Wider shot looking back.
Wider shot looking back.
Cleve Creek Baldy summit, view north toward the rest of the Schell Creek Range.
Cleve Creek Baldy summit, view north toward the rest of the Schell Creek Range.
Cleve Creek Baldy summit, view south. Wheeler Peak seen far right.
Cleve Creek Baldy summit, view south. Wheeler Peak seen far right.
A quick shot along the drive back out.
A quick shot along the drive back out.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!