Starting from the pull-off, we headed into the forest rather than following the highway.

Easy forest stroll to intersect the Christopher Creek Gorge Trail.

Along the Christopher Creek Gorge Trail, view down into the gorge.

Nearing the bottom of the Christopher Creek Gorge Trail, where we suited up and hopped in.

Some minor obstacles within the gorge.

Looking back up the canyon, Kiyan unsure how to interact with being in a photo.

Lots of swimming within the gorge.

A couple of people jumped this obstacle, while others down climbed.

Short rappel.

Continuing down Christopher Creek Gorge.

A minor water slide.

Looking back.

Interesting narrow section.

Looking back toward the narrow section.

Christopher Creek Gorge isn't a slot canyon, but this section felt close to it.

A rappel through a narrow section.

Some jumped, others rappelled.

Looking back at the required jump or rappel, with a swimmer.

Another rappel down the featured waterfall of the gorge.

Looking back toward the most interesting rap of the day.

Looking back again.

Swimmer after this waterfall.

A longer section of swimming just after the very pretty waterfall.

One more shot back at the very pretty waterfall.

More obstacles as we head down the canyon.

An interesting ramp feature as we near the end of Christopher Creek Gorge.

A final short, narrow section.

A cairn is visible on the right, marking the exit from the gorge.

Pretty section near the exit of the gorge.

Using the escape social trail. We messed up our route - refer to the map for a better sense of the best route.

Nearing the top of the escape route, a few hundred feet before our cars came into view.
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