Class 2 7.9 miles 2000 gain 4-6 hrs Out + Back Mar 22, 2019

Chemehuevi Peak GPX Track

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I parked at a wilderness marker and navigated over a few wildflower-covered humps before entering a major wash that leads the the rest of the way to the basin south of Chemehuevi Peak. Follow the wash to the mouth of a boulder-choked drainage leading to the western slope of the peak. There were a couple of Class 2+ moves, but overall it's just a relatively fun scramble on big boulders. A social trail leads around some brush near the head of the drainage and then seemed to leave me on my own to navigate the Class 2 slope to the summit. Great views of the Chemehuevi Mountains and wildflower spectacle below.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Chemehuevi Peak
3694 ft
1774 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Starting along the long desert slog out to Chemehuevi Peak (center).
Starting along the long desert slog out to Chemehuevi Peak (center).
Lots of wildflowers on the way out.
Lots of wildflowers on the way out.
Image 2 from gallery
Within the major wash that goes to the base of Chemehuevi Peak.
Within the major wash that goes to the base of Chemehuevi Peak.
Image 4 from gallery
Image 5 from gallery
The wash begins to get choked with boulders, leading to the drainage in the center.
The wash begins to get choked with boulders, leading to the drainage in the center.
Looking back down the wash on the way up through the drainage.
Looking back down the wash on the way up through the drainage.
Close-up of the drainage leading to Chemehuevi Peak's west side.
Close-up of the drainage leading to Chemehuevi Peak's west side.
A dripping waterfall along the way.
A dripping waterfall along the way.
Looking back down the drainage.
Looking back down the drainage.
Approaching the top of the drainage.
Approaching the top of the drainage.
A social trail leads on the left side of the drainage's head, where lots of brush chokes the streambed. At the top of this drainage, the route turns east and heads up to Chemehuevi Peak.
A social trail leads on the left side of the drainage's head, where lots of brush chokes the streambed. At the top of this drainage, the route turns east and heads up to Chemehuevi Peak.
Chemehuevi Peak ahead, Class 2 slope before it.
Chemehuevi Peak ahead, Class 2 slope before it.
My chosen gully, where I also spotted a couple of cairns.
My chosen gully, where I also spotted a couple of cairns.
Looking down the gully I came up.
Looking down the gully I came up.
Last bit to the summit.
Last bit to the summit.
Chemehuevi Peak, looking west toward the way I came up.
Chemehuevi Peak, looking west toward the way I came up.
Chemehuevi Peak looking south, the desert slog I just did visible on the right.
Chemehuevi Peak looking south, the desert slog I just did visible on the right.
Chemehuevi Peak looking northeast toward more peaks in the Chemehuevi Mountains.
Chemehuevi Peak looking northeast toward more peaks in the Chemehuevi Mountains.
Image 20 from gallery

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!