Charons Garden Wilderness Loop in Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, OK

Hike Charons Garden Wilderness Loop Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, OK

Class 2 8.6 miles 2300 gain 5-7 hrs Loop Feb 15, 2018

Charons Garden Wilderness Loop GPX Track

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Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge is a totally unexpectedly fun area in the unlikely state of Oklahoma. Seriously, it reminded me of the granite of Joshua Tree National Park. I saw a few elk, a porcupine, and an armadillo. I even scared a coyote, an animal I'd never seen in the wild with such close proximity.

I was able to still hike three peaks, Mount Mitchell, Charons Garden Mountain, and Granite Peak. Originally, I had planned to hit a few more of the named peaks, but last-minute, I instead decided to go to the farthest tall point and make a big loop rather than stick to the central peaks. I guess I'll be back at some point to hit those, too. I never thought I'd say I was excited to return to Oklahoma.

Anyway, my full route is really hard to describe because there aren't any trails except for the Charons Garden Backcountry Camping Trail and Charons Garden Wilderness Trail, which I used to enter the area, and then to exit the area, respectively. Along the way, I wandered into the mouth of Styx Canyon where I encountered a small waterfall, hit three peaks which all required some fun scrambling, and visited Post Oak Falls. The map attached should give more insight as to my route, but this is definitely a choose your own adventure sort of place. All the peaks I climbed will have you stumbling onto Class 3 terrain, but it's likely easily avoidable and Class 2 can be found with some route-searching.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Mount Mitchell
2110 ft
n/a rise
Charons Garden Mountain
1910 ft
n/a rise
Granite Mountain
2177 ft
257 rise

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Elk Mountain on the left.
Elk Mountain on the left.
Along the Charons Garden Backcountry Camping Trail
Along the Charons Garden Backcountry Camping Trail
Image 2 from gallery
Image 3 from gallery
Image 4 from gallery
Charons Garden Backcountry Camping Trail gets a little bit hard to follow, but I left it soon anyway.
Charons Garden Backcountry Camping Trail gets a little bit hard to follow, but I left it soon anyway.
Really pretty fields with burnt trees. My first unnamed peak ahead.
Really pretty fields with burnt trees. My first unnamed peak ahead.
I decided to ascend toward that orange splotch because it looked cool.
I decided to ascend toward that orange splotch because it looked cool.
The orange splotch had a Class 3 move. There are other ways up if you're not feeling it.
The orange splotch had a Class 3 move. There are other ways up if you're not feeling it.
Looking back toward the Charons Garden Backcountry Camping Trail, which you likely can't see from this photo because it's so faint.
Looking back toward the Charons Garden Backcountry Camping Trail, which you likely can't see from this photo because it's so faint.
Continuing up lots of Class 2 scrambling
Continuing up lots of Class 2 scrambling
Nearing the summit of the first peak, Mount Mitchell.
Nearing the summit of the first peak, Mount Mitchell.
Crazy colors of granite.
Crazy colors of granite.
Mount Mitchell summit.
Mount Mitchell summit.
Continuing southwest through a meadow on top of the peak.
Continuing southwest through a meadow on top of the peak.
Burnt trees and crazy colors.
Burnt trees and crazy colors.
Looking back toward the peak I just came down. At this point, I'm still pretty high up, despite how flat it seems.
Looking back toward the peak I just came down. At this point, I'm still pretty high up, despite how flat it seems.
Approaching a gully that I used to get down from Mount Mitchell, you can see the second mountain ahead, Charons Garden Mountain.
Approaching a gully that I used to get down from Mount Mitchell, you can see the second mountain ahead, Charons Garden Mountain.
On the way down from first unnamed mountain, looking toward second unnamed mountain. There is a brushy canyon between the two, but an animal trail led me around it safely.
On the way down from first unnamed mountain, looking toward second unnamed mountain. There is a brushy canyon between the two, but an animal trail led me around it safely.
Heading up Charons Garden Mountain, an easy but fun scramble.
Heading up Charons Garden Mountain, an easy but fun scramble.
Summit of Charons Garden Mountain, looking back toward the brushy canyon and Mount Mitchell (the little nipple near the center).
Summit of Charons Garden Mountain, looking back toward the brushy canyon and Mount Mitchell (the little nipple near the center).
Continuing toward Granite Mountain (center), the first named peak so far.
Continuing toward Granite Mountain (center), the first named peak so far.
After descending a while, I started to realize it wasn't a straight shot toward Granite Mountain - lots of deep gullies in the way. So, I decided to head down one of them.
After descending a while, I started to realize it wasn't a straight shot toward Granite Mountain - lots of deep gullies in the way. So, I decided to head down one of them.
I entered a canyon to the west of Styx Canyon and followed it to where it merged with the Styx Canyon mouth.
I entered a canyon to the west of Styx Canyon and followed it to where it merged with the Styx Canyon mouth.
Image 24 from gallery
At the mouth of Styx Canyon, a private property gate appeared.
At the mouth of Styx Canyon, a private property gate appeared.
Just past the private property gate, there's a pretty little waterfall.
Just past the private property gate, there's a pretty little waterfall.
From the top of the waterfall, looking into private property.
From the top of the waterfall, looking into private property.
Continuing up Styx Canyon until I found a nice way to head up toward Granite Mountain.
Continuing up Styx Canyon until I found a nice way to head up toward Granite Mountain.
Image 29 from gallery
Heading up Granite Mountain.
Heading up Granite Mountain.
Looking back toward Styx Canyon (center) and my second unnamed peak (top right).
Looking back toward Styx Canyon (center) and my second unnamed peak (top right).
Image 32 from gallery
Summit of Granite Mountain.
Summit of Granite Mountain.
Heading down Granite Mountain toward the opposite side of the Charons Garden Wilderness Trail.
Heading down Granite Mountain toward the opposite side of the Charons Garden Wilderness Trail.
Along the Charons Garden Wilderness Trail.
Along the Charons Garden Wilderness Trail.
Image 36 from gallery
Charons Garden Wilderness Trail, left continues to the other end (my parking spot), right goes to Post Oak Falls.
Charons Garden Wilderness Trail, left continues to the other end (my parking spot), right goes to Post Oak Falls.
Post Oak Falls.
Post Oak Falls.
Post Oak Falls.
Post Oak Falls.
Top of Post Oak Falls. I went a bit farther up the canyon, but there's not much to see.
Top of Post Oak Falls. I went a bit farther up the canyon, but there's not much to see.
Back on the Charons Garden Wilderness Trail.
Back on the Charons Garden Wilderness Trail.
Image 42 from gallery
Boulder field (right) along Charons Garden Wilderness Trail.
Boulder field (right) along Charons Garden Wilderness Trail.
Charons Garden Wilderness Trail ends at the junction where I left it. Follow this back to the trailhead.
Charons Garden Wilderness Trail ends at the junction where I left it. Follow this back to the trailhead.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!