Starting along the Willow Lake Trail.

You can see the end of the ridge leading down from Challenger Point. There's a pretty, grassy field on the right.

Looking back along the Willow Lake Trail - you can see that pretty, grassy field way down there.

The trail does a bunch of small switchbacks.

Almost at Willow Lake.

Willow Lake.

Along the trail around Willow Lake - you can see Kit Carson Mountain peeking out on the right.

Looking back toward Willow Lake.

A nice trail leads up the steep slopes, Kit Carson Mountain looming over there.

Looking back down some Class 2 stuff.

Class 2 stuff to get to the ridge.

At the ridge, looking back the way I came. Mt. Adams is that pointy guy out there.

Starting along the ridge to Challenger Point.

Challenger Point just ahead, Kit Carson Mountain on the left.

Challenger Point summit, Kit Carson right there, but you have to go all the way around it to summit.

Looking back from Challenger Point - Mt. Adams is the pointy mountain, Willow Lake is down there somewhere.

The interesting diagonal feature up the side of Kit Carson.

After the interesting diagonal feature, looking down where the trail loses some elevation. You can see Crestone Peak over there.

Looking back toward Challenger Peak before heading down the south side of Kit Carson. You can see another hiker if you look closely.

Heading down for a few hundred feet.

Looking back up the lost elevation.

Looking up the last bit to the summit, just some Class 2+/3 scrambling.

At the top of the Class 2+/3 gully, looking down the way I came up.

Ridgeline to Kit Carson Mountain.

Kit Carson Mountain summit, looking toward Challenger Point.

Kit Carson Mountain, close-up of Crestone Needle and Crestone Peak.

Close-up of Willow Lake down there.
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