After hiking along the dirt road and navigating the open desert, we ended up in the wash seen center. Chalcedony Peak is top left. We followed the wash for a bit and left it to get to the saddle in the center of this photo.

Within the wash.

After leaving the wash, heading to the saddle.

Just over the saddle, this lovely route presented itself. We headed up the narrowing gully.

Class 2 up the gully.

View back down the gully toward the saddle we ascended from.

At the top of the gully, this Class 2+/3 hole under a chockstone became the clear best option. Matt is facing me because I took this shot on the way back since my friends did a sketchy ascent option and decided to follow this better way on the way back. You can see the open sky behind the chockstone, marking the ridgeline.

Close-up of the chockstone scramble.

Just above the chockstone, a Class 3 scramble along the cliff since the ridgeline was a no-go.

Looking down the Class 3 section, the chockstone in the shadows in the center.

View back toward the Class 3 section (blocked by the slope, but located basically where the ridge is in the center) as we ascend on a bench-like feature.

My friends headed up this Class 3/4 direct option. I kept to the left on the darker-colored rock out of frame on the left.

You can see the lighter-colored stuff my friends ascended on the right in this photo. I chose to take this more reasonable Class 3 option. Above this section is a Class 2 ledge on the right that wrapped around some of the more vertical terrain (no photo, sorry).

Past the Class 2 ledge is this somewhat exposed slab.

Just past the slab is a view of the summit.

View back along the ridge from the summit of Chalcedony Peak.
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