Cerro San Luis Obispo in San Luis Obispo, CA

Hike Cerro San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo, CA

Class 1 4.2 miles 1100 gain 1-2 hr Loop May 20, 2019

Cerro San Luis Obispo GPX Track

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I don't normally particularly enjoy doing peaks located so close to a city, but I was on a roll with bagging these little hills around San Luis Obispo, plus what could an extra little bit of vertical gain hurt? Starting from a parking lot in some Open Space designated land, a wide trail leads to a split just southeast of Cerro San Lius Obispo. I went to the left first, which was basically just a dirt road to the summit, with a short section of steep and loose trail along the ridgeline near the top. It was boring. After, I was hoping to explore the east side of the hill and followed a trail called the Rock Garden Trail. This alternate was significantly more interesting than my ascent. I recommend just taking this trail on the uphill and downhill. It's slightly longer, but has nice views, and alternates between open fields and lightly forested sections.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Cerro San Luis Obispo
1292 ft
952 rise

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Cerro San Luis Obispo Trailhead.
Cerro San Luis Obispo Trailhead.
Just after the split to the southeast of Cerro San Luis Obispo, headed to the left on a converted dirt road.
Just after the split to the southeast of Cerro San Luis Obispo, headed to the left on a converted dirt road.
Boring dirt road.
Boring dirt road.
Still a boring dirt road.
Still a boring dirt road.
Short section of trail leading along the ridgeline.
Short section of trail leading along the ridgeline.
And then more boring dirt road to the summit, ahead.
And then more boring dirt road to the summit, ahead.
Cerro San Luis Obispo summit, view west toward Bishop Peak.
Cerro San Luis Obispo summit, view west toward Bishop Peak.
Close-up of Bishop Peak.
Close-up of Bishop Peak.
Cerro San Luis Obispo summit, view east.
Cerro San Luis Obispo summit, view east.
Headed down from Cerro San Luis Obispo on the Rock Garden Trail.
Headed down from Cerro San Luis Obispo on the Rock Garden Trail.
Image 10 from gallery
Looking back the way I came along the Rock Garden Trail.
Looking back the way I came along the Rock Garden Trail.
Forested section along the Rock Garden Trail, Bishop Peak visible center.
Forested section along the Rock Garden Trail, Bishop Peak visible center.
Open meadow along Cerro San Luis Obispo's north slopes.
Open meadow along Cerro San Luis Obispo's north slopes.
More pretty forested sections.
More pretty forested sections.
Image 15 from gallery
Image 16 from gallery
Eventually the Rock Garden Trail meets back up with the main trail.
Eventually the Rock Garden Trail meets back up with the main trail.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!