Peak 3012, seen from our parking spot.

Approaching the sheer cliffs of Peak 3012. We would wrap around to the right of the peak.

Looking back at our progress, Copper Mountain visible on the right.

Wrapping around the right side cliff base of Peak 3012.

Looking back at our progress along the slope. There were a couple of Class 2/2+ spot. Otherwise straightforward and certainly not the worst side-hilling I've done.

Continuing along the base of the cliffs.

View back. You can see the canyon we'd be descending from on the left.

Approaching the end of the base of the cliffs. We headed up toward the grassy bowl-like formation ahead.

We wrapped around the cliff base and headed up to the summit of Peak 3012, ahead.

View toward Peak 2922, which we'd do later.

Peak 3012 ahead.

Summit of Peak 3012, view toward Copper Mountain and Copper Basin, Copper Basin Reservoir visible on the top left.

Peak 3012, view toward the other obscure Whipple peaks to the south.

View along the ridgeline to come. Peak 2892 visible left of center, our next peak.

Class 2 ridgeline.

Looking back toward Peak 3012 (right) and the canyon we'd descend later (left).

Class 2 minor exposure on the ridgeline.

Avoiding some rock outcrops on the left (Class 2).

View back toward Peak 3012 (right).

Peak 2892 visible center. We'd have to drop down into the "tundra"-like landscape before ascending. You can see Cupcake Mountain on the right in the distance.

Close-up toward Peak 2892.

Starting up Peak 2892's east ridge.

View back toward the ridgeline we just came from.

Class 2 toward Peak 2892.

A Class 3 section along the way to Peak 2892. Whipple wash visible below on the left.

Summit of Peak 2892, view toward Whipple Mountains High Point.

Peak 2892 summit, view back along the ridgeline. Peak 3012 visible on the right. Peak 2922 (our next one) visible on the left.

Looking back toward Peak 2892 as we head over to Peak 2922.

Peak 2922 ahead.

Class 2 up to Peak 2922. We approached it from the right side ridge in this photo, avoiding the cliffs.

On our way up to Peak 2922, view toward the ridgeline we did earlier leading away from Peak 3012.

Peak 2922 summit, view toward Copper Mountain in the distance, Copper Basin Reservoir visible on the left.

Peak 3012. Our ascent route followed the base of the cliffs in the center. Our descent route will go down the canyon in the center of this photo.

Starting down the canyon.

Within the canyon. Some brush, a bunch of Class 2 obstacles. You can see the ascent route we took earlier at the base of the cliffs above.

A Class 3 dryfall. Whiley is within the watercourse, the Class 3 move is just below me as I take the photo.

A few more dryfall obstacles as the canyon widens into a wash.

Just before we left the wash, a view back up the canyon. Peak 3012 visible top left.

Copper Mountain, seen as we navigate the foothills back to the car.

View back toward Peak 3012 (left) and Peak 2922 (right).
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