Peak 2887 center, Peak 3025 right.

Approaching the ridge crest via a spur ridge/slope. Our first objective was the cool-looking unranked peak on the left, but we failed that one due to a sheer cliff.

Onward to Peak 2887 along the ridge crest. View back at Matt coming up a neat Class 2+ ramp.

Ridgeline to Peak 2887. Peak 3025 seen far left.

Surprise Class 3 knife-edge.

A Class 3+ down-climb before the summit.

Summit of Peak 2887, view back.

Onward along the ridge crest.

View back at a scramble along the way.

Descending a gully to reach the saddle separating our two peaks.

View back toward the gully we descended.

Headed up from the saddle, starting toward Peak 3025. The headwall above becomes a bit of an obstacle.

View back as we try to locate a way through the cliffs. Our gully we descended seen top center.

Matt went up there somewhere, but I was not interested. I kept scouting.

Back on the ridge crest, continuing to Peak 3025.

Down into a notch, followed by an extended, exposed Class 3 scramble.

Peak 3025 seen right. Big Horn Peak on the left.

View back toward Peak 2887 (right of center).

Navigating above an annoying cliff band blocking easy access to Peak 3025 (far right).

Short scramble on the north side of Peak 3025.

Peak 3025 summit, view back along our traverse.

Close-up toward the southern Big Horn Mountains Wilderness.

View north.

View back toward Peak 3025 as we had back to the cars.

Burro trails and a wash the whole way back.
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