Leaving the Lake Mary Trailhead.

Lake Mary.

Lake Mary.

Lake Martha.

Looking back toward Lake Martha.

Junction with Lake Catherine (left).

Lake Catherine.

Continuing up to Catherine Pass.

Catherine Pass, looking back at Lake Catherine.

Headed up toward Mt. Tuscarora.

Close-up of Lake Catherine on the way up to Mt. Tuscarora.

Mt. Wolverine visible ahead.

Mt. Tuscarora summit, viewing Lake Catherine.

Mt. Wolverine ahead.

Some rocks above the Mt. Wolverine summit.

Mt. Wolverine summit, looking northeast.

Mt. Wolverine summit, looking along the ridge to the west.

Along the ridge, looking back toward Mt. Wolverine.

Along the ridge away from Mt. Wolverine.

Looking back toward Mt. Wolverine before descending to the saddle.

Descending to the saddle with Honeycomb Cliffs, Twin Lakes Reservoir on the right.

Almost at the saddle, looking up at Honeycomb Cliffs.

Heading up to Honeycomb Cliffs, looking back toward Mt. Wolverine.

Honeycomb Cliffs summit.

Looking down the east ridge of Honeycomb Cliffs toward Twin Lakes Reservoir.

Easy Class 3, with some metal rungs to help you out.

Looks steeper here than it is, and also there's a steel cable for assistance at the more sketchy sections.

Looking back up the Class 3 scramble to Honeycomb Cliffs.

Following ski slopes back down.

Looking over toward Mt. Tuscarora and Mt. Wolverine, Twin Lakes Reservoir in the foreground.

Brighton town ahead.
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