Cathedral Rock via Esperero and Sabino Canyon Loop in Coronado National Forest, AZ

Hike Cathedral Rock via Esperero and Sabino Canyon Loop Coronado National Forest, AZ

Class 3 21.6 miles 6700 gain 9-12 hrs Loop Mar 14, 2018

Cathedral Rock via Esperero and Sabino Canyon Loop GPX Track

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What an awesome loop through the wilderness of the Santa Catalina Mountains. Two gorgeous canyons, a fun Class 3 Cathedral Rock summit, a spot to take a dip, and never-ending and varied forest and desert views. Starting from the Sabino Canyon Trailhead, head up the paved road and turn left onto the Esperero Trail, which leads yp a fairly moderate trail to Bridal Veil Falls, an unimpressive waterfall that marks the start of the steepness. From here, the Esperero Trail leads up a ridge with incredible views down Esperero Canyon before reaching the junction with the Cathedral Rock Trail. Follow the Cathedral Rock Trail with more amazing views and with Chiricahua National Monument looking rock formations along the way. you eventually get to a saddle where you can see Cathedral Rock in the distance to the left. It still looks pretty far from here, but don't be discouraged. It's closer than it looks. Head off the official trail and follow any number of cairned routes, or don't, it's pretty obvious where to go.If you find yourself going downhill, you're headed the wrong way. Keep east, but hug the rock pinnacles as you go and you should find a Class 2 route to just below the biggest pinnacle, the true summit. The route takes you to the west side of this pinnacle where someone kindly left a rope. I scrambled this without the rope, and it was totally doable (maybe Class 4), but with the rope, it's much probably Class 3. After the rope, a short Class 3 move takes you up to the summit block. After taking in the ridiculous views of Mt. Lemmon, Window Peak (you can even see The Window below!), and Mt. Kimball, head back down from Cathedral Rock and to the saddle where you left the trail. Follow the slightly overgrown trail steeply down switchbacks and join the Arizona Trail (West Fork of Sabino Canyon), which progressively gets more and more interesting. Along the way, you pass Hutch's Pool, a great spot to swim after a long day. Don't miss the junction that takes you down Sabino Canyon proper, which leads to the Phoneline Trail, and back to the trailhead. You could potentially knock about 4 miles and 800 feet off this hike if you cheat take the Sabino Canyon shuttle for $10, but the Phoneline Trail is actually really pretty and worth the extra miles if you've got it in you.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Cathedral Rock
7957 ft
1917 rise

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Starting up the Esperero Trail.
Starting up the Esperero Trail.
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Cathedral Rock appears in the distance (center) along the Esperero Trail.
Cathedral Rock appears in the distance (center) along the Esperero Trail.
Looking back down Esperero Canyon.
Looking back down Esperero Canyon.
Looking toward Cathedral Rock (center), up Esperero Canyon.
Looking toward Cathedral Rock (center), up Esperero Canyon.
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Cathedral Rock looming ahead.
Cathedral Rock looming ahead.
Bridal Veil Falls along the Esperero Trail.
Bridal Veil Falls along the Esperero Trail.
Close up of Bridal Veil Falls along the Esperero Trail.
Close up of Bridal Veil Falls along the Esperero Trail.
After Bridal Veil Falls, the Esperero Trail gets steeper.
After Bridal Veil Falls, the Esperero Trail gets steeper.
Cathedral Rock ahead. The trail takes you below it and to the right before starting the ascent.
Cathedral Rock ahead. The trail takes you below it and to the right before starting the ascent.
Looking back down Esperero Canyon.
Looking back down Esperero Canyon.
Esperero Trail junction with the Cathedral Rock Trail. Go right.
Esperero Trail junction with the Cathedral Rock Trail. Go right.
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Amazing views down Esperero Canyon along the Cathedral Rock Trail.
Amazing views down Esperero Canyon along the Cathedral Rock Trail.
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Some rocks reminiscent of Chiricahua National Monument.
Some rocks reminiscent of Chiricahua National Monument.
At the saddle, looking up toward Cathedral Rock.
At the saddle, looking up toward Cathedral Rock.
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Looking back down the ridge toward the saddle.
Looking back down the ridge toward the saddle.
Mt. Lemmon in the distance.
Mt. Lemmon in the distance.
Fun Class 2 scrambling.
Fun Class 2 scrambling.
Looking back while amongst the white hoodoos almost at the summit of Cathedral Rock.
Looking back while amongst the white hoodoos almost at the summit of Cathedral Rock.
The Cathedral Rock summit pinnacle.
The Cathedral Rock summit pinnacle.
Class 4+ without rope, but the rope and anchor seemed well-maintained.
Class 4+ without rope, but the rope and anchor seemed well-maintained.
After the rope section, looking west. Window Peak is back there.
After the rope section, looking west. Window Peak is back there.
Slightly exposed class 3 section to gain the summit block. West Fork of Sabino Canyon is down to the left.
Slightly exposed class 3 section to gain the summit block. West Fork of Sabino Canyon is down to the left.
Looking toward Mt. Lemmon.
Looking toward Mt. Lemmon.
Summit of Cathedral Rock.
Summit of Cathedral Rock.
Window Peak on the left (you can see The Window from here!), and Mt. Kimball right.
Window Peak on the left (you can see The Window from here!), and Mt. Kimball right.
Back at the saddle after summiting Cathedral Rock, heading down the Cathedral Rock Trail.
Back at the saddle after summiting Cathedral Rock, heading down the Cathedral Rock Trail.
Looking back toward Cathedral Rock.
Looking back toward Cathedral Rock.
West Fork of Sabino Canyon below to the left.
West Fork of Sabino Canyon below to the left.
Entering West Fork of Sabino Canyon.
Entering West Fork of Sabino Canyon.
There was a small water pool along Sabino Canyon.
There was a small water pool along Sabino Canyon.
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Pretty trail through the West Fork of Sabino Canyon.
Pretty trail through the West Fork of Sabino Canyon.
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Hutch's Pool, a mini side trail along the way down the West Fork of Sabino Canyon.
Hutch's Pool, a mini side trail along the way down the West Fork of Sabino Canyon.
Looking back up West Fork of Sabino Canyon, Cathedral Rock in the distance on the left.
Looking back up West Fork of Sabino Canyon, Cathedral Rock in the distance on the left.
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Creek crossing shortly before the junction with Sabino Canyon proper.
Creek crossing shortly before the junction with Sabino Canyon proper.
Looking back up the West Fork of Sabino Canyon while heading southwest down Sabino Canyon.
Looking back up the West Fork of Sabino Canyon while heading southwest down Sabino Canyon.
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Looking back up Sabino Canyon.
Looking back up Sabino Canyon.
Continuing down Sabino Canyon.
Continuing down Sabino Canyon.
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Sabino Canyon is very pretty, and the trail takes you along the south rim of what look to be incredible narrows.
Sabino Canyon is very pretty, and the trail takes you along the south rim of what look to be incredible narrows.
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Looking back up Sabino Canyon.
Looking back up Sabino Canyon.
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Along the Phoneline Trail.
Along the Phoneline Trail.
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Looking back up Sabino Canyon along the Phoneline Trail.
Looking back up Sabino Canyon along the Phoneline Trail.
Approaching the end of the Phoneline Trail. Take a trail down to the road and follow it back to the trailhead.
Approaching the end of the Phoneline Trail. Take a trail down to the road and follow it back to the trailhead.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!