Castaneda Peak ahead.

Base of Castaneda Peak.

View back at some fun Class 2+.

Class 3.

Nearing the top of the scramble.

Castaneda Peak ahead.

Summit view toward Peak 2651.

View back toward the route up Castaneda Peak.

Ascending Peak 2651.

We reached the east side of the summit block, then wrapped around its north side.

A Class 3 weakness to gain the summit.

Ridge crest to Peak 2651.

Peak 2651 summit, view toward Castaneda Peak (right) and Peak 2510 (left).

On our way up Peak 2510, view back toward the first two.

Fun route-finding, max of low Class 3.

Short ridgeline scramble to Peak 2510.

Onward to our last peak, Peak 2625.

Unmemorable ridge walk to Peak 2625.

View back toward the other three from the summit of Peak 2625. Castaneda Peak seen left. Crossman Peak seen in the distance.
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