Starting up the Upper Pole Couloir from the Quarry Trailhead.

Steep scree in the Upper Pole Couloir.

Looking back down the Upper Pole Couloir.

Leave the Upper Pole Couloir and scramble annoying scree to get to the ridgeline.

Heading up a ridge, Upper Pole Couloir to the left.

Grassy slope to ascend.

Looking down the grassy slope, Upper Pole Couloir down there somewhere.

Ridgeline to Cascade Mountain.

Looking back along the ridgeline on the way up to Cascade Mountain. You can see the entirety of our route, East Provo Peak and Provo Peak the pointy ones in the center.

Approaching Cascade Mountain.

Close-up north of Mt. Timpanogos from Cascade Mountain summit.

Headed back along the ridge from Cascade Mountain.

Approaching South Cascade Mountain.

So long to go - Provo Peak is center.

Shingle Mill Peak (left), Freedom Peak, East Provo, Provo.

On the way up Shingle Mill Peak, looking back toward Cascade Mountain.

Almost on the Shingle Mill Peak summit.

Shingle Mill Peak summit looking south toward Freedom Peak.

Freedom Peak ahead.

Scrambling up Freedom Peak, Shingle Mill Peak on the right.

Last bit of scramble to Freedom Peak summit.

Freedom Peak summit looking north toward Shingle Mill (right) and Cascade (left).

Continuing from Freedom Peak summit to East Provo and Provo Peaks.

Beautiful ridgeline from Freedom to East Provo.

Looking back on the way up to East Provo, Freedom Peak on the right.

East Provo (left), Provo Peak (right).

East Provo Peak summit looking north on the route we've completed so far.

East Provo Peak summit looking west to Provo Peak, Utah Lake in the distance.

Ridgeline from East Provo to Provo Peak.

Looking back toward East Provo.

A scramble section, likely avoidable if you drop some elevation on the left.

Looking back toward East Provo Peak.

Final push to Provo Peak summit.

Provo Peak summit ahead.

Provo Peak summit looking north toward Cascade Mountain.

Close-up toward Cascade Mountain.

Coming down the steep standard route on a social trail from Provo Peak.

Headed down from Provo Peak to the Provo Peak Trailhead, where we parked our second car.

Crazy light in Slate Canyon.

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