Starting along the Lost Mine Trail.

Shortly after starting, I left the Lost Mine Trail and took this social trail leading up to Casa Grande Peak, seen above.

View back down at the steep ascent.

Higher up.

Approaching the east ridge of Casa Grande Peak.

Along the east ridge of Casa Grande Peak, heading to its base. You can see the peak ahead.

Steep scree.

View back at the steep eastern ridge ascent.

Up to a notch formed by two rock outcroppings.

Last bit to the summit.

Casa Grande Peak, view south toward Toll and Emory. I came up from the far left in this photo.

Close-up toward Emory Peak (right) and Toll Mountain (left).

View toward Lost Mine Peak, center. Crown Mountain visible on the right.

Quick jaunt to the northern summit of Casa Grande Peak.

View down toward the trailhead (bottom center) and the entrance road into Chisos Basin.

Close-up into Chisos Basin, Carter Peak on the left and Vernon Bailey on the right.

Back along the eastern ridge of Casa Grande Peak on my way to Lost Mine Peak.

View back up at some steep descending on the east ridge.

Nice social trail.

Some side-hilling on the good social trail in order to merge with the Lost Mine Trail.

Back on the Lost Mine Trail, view back toward the east ridge of Casa Grande Peak.

Starting up the tame Lost Mine Trail.

View back toward Casa Grande Peak.

Ascending along the Lost Mine Trail.

Excessive switchbacks on the Lost Mine Trail.

At the end of the Lost Mine Trail, where there are great views but no peak.

Close-up toward Crown Mountain and Crown Mountain West.

Close-up toward Peak 7082 (left) and Lost Mine Peak (right).

Photo from 2014 when I did the Lost Mine Trail: a cool rainy shot of the colorful cliffs on Lost Mine Peak's west slopes.

View toward Casa Grande Peak from the end of the Lost Mine Trail.

Onward to Peak 7082 (left). Some bushwhacking required.

At the false summit of Peak 7082, view toward the true summit.

After a short dip, this Class 2 slope leads to the true summit.

Close-up toward Lost Mine Peak from Peak 7082.

Coming down from Peak 7082 and starting up the slope to Lost Mine Peak.

View back toward Peak 7082.

I hugged the rock outcrop on the left, a bit of unpleasant brush to deal with.

View back, Casa Grande Peak visible top center.

Lost Mine Peak ahead as I near the top of the slope.

Lost Mine Peak. The rock fin in the dead center of this photo is hiding a nice Class 2/3 chute, just to its left.

Starting up the chute.

View back down the chute from the notch separating the two summit blocks.

A shot from above (via my mess-up), which gave a nice perspective of the Class 3 scramble to the summit. The chute is seen bottom left.

Class 3 up fun boulders to reach the summit of Lost Mine Peak.

View down the Class 3 scramble.

Lost Mine Peak summit, view southeast. Casas Grande Peak and Emory Peak on the left, Vernon Bailey and Carter top center, Peak 7082 center.

Crown and Crown West.

Panther, Wright, and Pummel.

Lost Mine Peak summit, view south. Elephant Tusk visible in the distance.
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