Walking along the old road through the wilderness area. Ahead you can see Fools Point, quite an undertaking from another day.

The road became a bit hard to follow, but ultimately led into the major wash on the west side of Carsons Benchmark. We headed north to the gully just above Matt.

Shot up at the sheer cliffs of Lincoln's Nose as we make our way up the wash.

Class 2 up this gully.

View down the gully, we ascended from the wash on the right in this photo.

At the top of the gully, heading along the ridge to Peak 3585. The route leads to the right of the cliff bands visible on the left in this photo.

View back toward the gully (far right) and Carsons Benchmark (top right).

Easy slope most of the way up to Peak 3585.

Making progress, view toward Carsons Benchmark (center) and Lincoln's Nose (far left).

Peak 3585 summit, view north toward the more difficult Nopah range peaks.

Back along the ridge, Carsons Benchmark is next. There's a hump along the ridge that's in the way (seen top right). We avoided it via an animal trail on its left slope.

view back toward Peak 3585 (left).

Tyler visible at the base of Carsons Benchmark. Class 2 would lead up the ridge.

View back toward Peak 3585 (top right) and the hump we avoided via animal trail (top center).

Class 2 to Carsons Benchmark.

Almost to the summit of Carsons Benchmark, view back along the ridge. Peak 3585 left of center, Kelbaholt Peak far top right.

Carsons Benchmark summit, view southeast toward some of the Turtle Mountains.

Headed down the other side of Carsons Benchmark to the most technical section of the hike. Lincoln's Nose is visible top left. On the right you can see some nutty-looking pinnacles that we would avoid by instead dropping through a notch adjacent to the small white rock band, leading onto the slope in the center of this photo. We would then head to the rock rib/outcrop in the center of this photo above the slope.

Class 3 down-climb from Carsons Benchmark. I'm standing just in front of the notch.

You can see a social trail behind Tyler that we used to side-hill along the slope leading from the notch. Carsons Benchmark is visible top center.

Shot looking back toward Carsons Benchmark as we head up the Class 2+/3 short rock outcrop previously mentioned to get back onto the primary ridgeline.

Back on the ridgeline, view toward Lincoln's Nose (top left).

Some amazing colors as we made our way along the ridge.

A wide shot of the area, gorgeous. Lincoln's Nose visible top right.

Some more easy side-hilling to avoid a cliff band.

View back toward the ridgeline we came down from. It made more sense on the way down than it appears in this photo.

Lincoln's Nose ahead.

Class 2 to Lincoln's Nose.

View back from the summit of Lincoln's Nose as Matt makes his way up. Carsons Benchmark visible top center.

Lincoln's Nose summit, view north toward Kelbaholt Peak, Fools Point, and the other nuttier peaks of the area.

Back at the base of Lincoln's Nose, we locaed this Class 2 descent option on the south side. Carsons Benchmark visible above. Our route along the ridge from earlier is somewhat visible above.

Class 2 down the drainage.

View back at our progress.

Entering a very short section of narrows. Not pictured is a section of very large boulders we had to hop along.

View back up as we reach Coffin Spring.

Some old water containment something-or-other near Coffin Spring. We followed the road on the left of it to reach the wash we came in on, retracing our steps back to the cars.
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