Carey’s Castle and Cache in Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Hike Carey’s Castle and Cache Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Class 1 8.0 miles 1300 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back Jan 26, 2016

Carey’s Castle and Cache GPX Track

I need to offset my substantial website costs somehow! You can download a hike/drive GPX to assist you here. Before sharing my GPX tracks with others, please remember my site is otherwise a free resource.

This route may have access issues.

Due to looting (people seriously suck), Carey's Castle is closed. Do not enter.

Carey's (Cary's) Castle is a fun surprise, and along with a lesser-traveled Joshua Tree National Park wilderness canyon, this hike is a great excursion in the desert. After passing multiple "no trespassing" signs along the way to the trailhead, which is technically on Metropolitan Water District of Southern California land, I frantically ran up the trail, unsure if I'd get cited some ridiculous Californian fine (seriously, CA is nuts with their tickets). What I thought would be a secret hike ended up ultimately being a very easy to follow trail marked by the footprints of hundreds of hikers before me. Though I passed nobody the entire time, I'd say it's hard to get lost. After hiking for a while through open desert into the mouth, keep right and swerve up through the beautiful canyon with granite walls typical to Joshua Tree. At the first two forks, make a left, and then at the third, go right. There are a few sections with some easy scambling, but overall it's a fairly straighforward hike. Once you get to the Castle, good luck on finding the Cache. I won't give coordinates or the location on the attached map, but please do not take anything should you find it.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Start the hike by heading up the wash for a mile and a half.
Start the hike by heading up the wash for a mile and a half.
Beautiful cliffs greet you at the canyon mouth.
Beautiful cliffs greet you at the canyon mouth.
The canyon narrows at certain points but is still easy to follow.
The canyon narrows at certain points but is still easy to follow.
Just follow the footprints, which are fairly obvious the whole way.
Just follow the footprints, which are fairly obvious the whole way.
Image 4 from gallery
Image 5 from gallery
Finally, you'll see some remnants from Carey.
Finally, you'll see some remnants from Carey.
And here's the rock of Carey's Castle!
And here's the rock of Carey's Castle!
The entrance, so cool.
The entrance, so cool.
Image 9 from gallery
Carey's Castle.
Carey's Castle.
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Image 15 from gallery
After the Castle, head through the desert to look for the Cache.
After the Castle, head through the desert to look for the Cache.
Image 17 from gallery
Hidden in the rock!
Hidden in the rock!
Image 19 from gallery
Image 20 from gallery
Dated 1932!
Dated 1932!

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!