Class 1 2.1 miles Minimal gain <1 hr Out + Back Mar 19, 2016

Car Wash GPX Track

I need to offset my substantial website costs somehow! You can download a hike/drive GPX to assist you here. Before sharing my GPX tracks with others, please remember my site is otherwise a free resource.

The Car Wash was a super fun excursion, mostly because the location is so difficult to find. Hours on Google Maps and general research finally gave me the answer. Fortunately, only those really excited about finding abandoned stuff in the desert can get to this location, as nobody seems to post the location anywhere. PLEASE keep it this way. The coordinates provided on my site are not where the Car Wash is – they are just to show that the Car Wash is located somewhere in the Pinto Basin, so happy hunting!

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Heading through a wash in search for the Car Wash.
Heading through a wash in search for the Car Wash.
Old abandoned mining crap scattered around.
Old abandoned mining crap scattered around.
Within the wash used to access the Car Wash.
Within the wash used to access the Car Wash.
The Car Wash! It's real! Please don't share coordinates with the internet if you find it.
The Car Wash! It's real! Please don't share coordinates with the internet if you find it.
I just took a ton of photos of the cars in the Joshua Tree Car Wash. I thought this was a super cool spot.
I just took a ton of photos of the cars in the Joshua Tree Car Wash. I thought this was a super cool spot.
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Abandoned mining stuff nearby.
Abandoned mining stuff nearby.
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Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!