The Candland Mountain trailhead, currently just an ugly logging road.

View back along the logging road. The trail was hard to find on the way up, but it's not a big deal if you stick to the road rather than follow the trail since both lead to the ridge crest anyway.

A meadow along the Candland Mountain Trail.

Along the Candland Mountain Trail.

After emerging from the forest, the trail continues along the ridge crest.

View back along the crest.

It's a pretty hike with lots of nice views.

A view back. The trail avoids a few of the little humps along the crest.

View back.

Another shot back, Cleveland Reservoir visible below.

The trail appraoches the base of a false summit, then leaves the ridge and heads along the west slope.

Steep hiking through a forest.

After leaving the ridge and ascending along the west slope.

View back along the Candland Mountain Trail, Cleveland Reservoir in the distance.

The trail reaches the crest again. Leave it and stay along the crest via a social trail.

View back down the social trail just before reaching the summit.

Candland Mountain summit, view south. Seeley Mountain visible in the distance.

Candland Mountain summit, view west.

Candland Mountain summit, view north.
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