Camelback Mountain via Echo Canyon Trail in Camelback Mountain Echo Canyon Recreation Area, AZ

Hike Camelback Mountain via Echo Canyon Trail Camelback Mountain Echo Canyon Recreation Area, AZ

Class 2 2.3 miles 1300 gain <1 hr Out + Back Nov 10, 2019

Camelback Mountain via Echo Canyon Trail GPX Track

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It's great that a trail like this exists right within Phoenix, but don't expect solitude. Hikes don't get more popular than this. There are two trails up Camelback Mountain, the Cholla Trail from the southeast, and the Echo Canyon Trail from the northwest. I opted to do the latter, after learning it was apparently more difficult than the former due to steepness and more scrambling. The trail was really obvious and included a few short Class 2 slab sections complete with a handrail and people holding gallon water jugs and wearing flats. The last bit to the summit included more Class 2, this time requiring some boulder-hopping. The views of Phoenix from above are actually pretty nice, and Camelback Mountain is a nice little desert peak.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Camelback Mountain
2704 ft
1334 rise

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Starting along the Echo Canyon Trail.
Starting along the Echo Canyon Trail.
Handrails up some steep slabs.
Handrails up some steep slabs.
Camelback Mountain visible top left. The trail continues along the base of some cliffs.
Camelback Mountain visible top left. The trail continues along the base of some cliffs.
View back at some more handrails.
View back at some more handrails.
View back along the west ridge of Camelback Mountain on some Class 2. The trail avoided the cliff visible center, but wrapping around it on the right.
View back along the west ridge of Camelback Mountain on some Class 2. The trail avoided the cliff visible center, but wrapping around it on the right.
The trail continues to head east toward the summit.
The trail continues to head east toward the summit.
View back again.
View back again.
Class 2.
Class 2.
Looking back at the Class 2 bit to the summit. You can see the cliffs the trail wrapped around, visible left of center.
Looking back at the Class 2 bit to the summit. You can see the cliffs the trail wrapped around, visible left of center.
Class 2 to the summit of Camelback Mountain.
Class 2 to the summit of Camelback Mountain.
Camelback Mountain summit, view east toward the Cholla Trail.
Camelback Mountain summit, view east toward the Cholla Trail.
Camelback Mountain summit, view west toward the way I came.
Camelback Mountain summit, view west toward the way I came.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!