From our parking spot, you can see Whiley start west along the Raspberry Trail, which was easy to miss.

Along the Raspberry Trail.

Emerging into a meadow along the Raspberry Trail.

Continuing to ascend on the Raspberry Trail.

View back along the Raspberry Trail, Huerfana Peak (which we did the following day) and Mount Lindsey visible in the distance.

Approaching the saddle.

Short side-trip to get Peak 12180.

Peak 12180, view toward the ridgeline to California Peak.

Peak 12180, view north.

After backtracking from Peak 12180, now headed up to California Peak on its extended tundra ridgeline.

Ascending to California Peak.

View back.

Nice views along the rim. Blanca Peak seen poking out in the center. Mount Lindsey far left.

Another shot back along the ridgeline.

Summit of California Peak, view south.

Close-up south toward the ridgeline traverse we'd be doing. Blanca Peak visible distant center. Our ridgeline traverse would end at the small hump obscured right of center in this photo. Class 2 descent from California Peak seen bottom left.

View back toward California Peak.

Approaching Peak 13577 after popping up and over a small hump along the ridge.

View back to the small hump and California Peak.

Peak 13577, view toward Peak 13654 (right, no longer a 13er) and Peak 13656 (left, the new high point). Lilly Lake seen below.

Along the Class 2/3 ridgeline to Peak 13654.

Fun scrambling just below Peak 13654.

Peak 13654, view back. Lilly Lake seen center, Mount Lindsey distant center.

View toward the true high point, Peak 13656.

Class 2/3 along the ridgeline.

Wannabe knife-edge, nothing exceeding Class 3.

Just before the summit of Peak 13656, view back. California Peak seen top right.

View south toward Blanca and Ellingwood.

View toward Lilly Lake.

On our way back, we noted this Class 3 hardpan descent to Lilly Lake, but chose to just backtrack to Peak 13577 instead since this didn't look fun.

After backtracking to Peak 13577, we took the standard route down to Lilly Lake. It's important not to stay along the ridge crest, since there are cliffs farther down. Instead, drop off to the right.

Class 2/3 talus, then scree. Lilly Lake seen below.

Lilly Lake, view back. The cliffs that should be avoided along the ridge crest I mentioned earlier are seen on the right.

Descending along the Lilly Lake Trail.

Gorgeous views, Mount Lindsey seen top center.

The north face of Ellingwood Point.

Continuing down the Lilly Lake Trail.

Huerfano River drainage is below on the right. The Lilly Lake Trail descends slowly down to meetit.

View back a bit before reaching the junction with the Upper Huerfano Trail.


I took these photos a day later since we were getting graupelled on and I couldn't keep my camera out. Nice meadows and forests along the Upper Huerfano Trail.

View back just before reaching the Upper Huerfano Trailhead.

Excellent views from the road, view south toward the way we came.

We hiked along the road back to our cars.
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