I hiked along the washed out road.

View back along the road, colorful badlands around me.

The road bends away at this drainage, so I left it, going toward the canyon seen center.

Approaching the canyon.

Very cool hairpin turns.

This canyon is very windy.

More progress up the pretty canyon.

When the canyon got too brushy, I left it using this Class 2 gully.

Calico Peak ahead.

I recommend heading up toward the cliffy base.

View back.

Along the base of Calico Peak. I wrapped around to its northeast side.

Class 2 slope.

Some obstacles up the slope. A bench leads to the right below the larger cliffs seen ahead.

Along the bench, view back.

I headed directly up from here to the bae of the upper cliff band, but easier options exist on the right if you keep taking the path of least resistance.

My Class 3 route heads up a crawl-space.

View down the crawl space as I get to the top of the upper cliff band.

On the Calico Peak mesatop.

Summit seen ahead.

Calico Peak center.

Summit of Calico Peak, view south,

Summit of Calico Peak, view east toward the Paria River.

Close-up west. Mollies Nipple is just poking out on the right.

Calico Peak, view north.
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