I parked along Powerline Road and headed up this wide wash.

Progress up the wash, which was really only rocky at the beginning.

View back toward the Powerline Road somewhere in the center.

I hiked for a couple of miles up the wash. Cady Peak is seen center.

A shot back at the gradually ascending wash.

Approaching the dryfall obstacle at the head of the wash.

One more view back just before the dryfall.

Class 2/2+ dryfall obstacle.

Just above the dryfall, most seem to prefer taking the gully ahead and then ascend more directly on Cady Peak's south side. I opted to leave the drainage and head to the ridge on the top right.

From along my ridge choice, view down into the wash I previously hiked up.

Along the ridge, Cady Peak seen ahead. Had I ascended via the standard route, I'd be on the steep slope on the left.

Light Class 2, and sometimes a little steep, but a pleasant walk along the ridge crest.

Another shot back along the ridge. The dryfall obstacle is obscured, but located on the far right, for reference.

Cady Peak top left.

Cady Peak ahead.

Cady Peak summit, view down the wash ascent.

Cady Peak, view east.

Cady Peak, view north.

I descended using the more standard route on Cady Peak's south side. This is sort of how it looks. Steep and loose. Not great.

From the base of the standard route, view back up at the slope.
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