Starting along the Butcher Jones Trail.

The Butcher Jones Trail follows the rim of Saguaro Lake.

Looking back toward the insanely crowded beach within Butcher Jones Recreation Area.

A small inlet of Saguaro Lake along the Butcher Jones Trail.

Short, pretty riparian area.

View back toward the inlet and riparian area. Four peaks visible top right.

Making progress along the Butcher Jones Trail.

Looking back, the crowded beach is visible top center.

Butcher Jones Peak comes into view on the left.

Close-up into Willow Springs Canyon on the opposite side of the Salt River.

Pretty desert flora along the Butcher Jones Trail.

Butcher Jones Peak getting closer.

At the saddle before the Butcher Jones Trail descends to the east down to the Salt River. I left the trail here to head to Butcher Jones Peak.

Butcher Jones Peak.

View back toward the low saddle (center left) where I left the Butcher Jones Trail.

Class 2 up to Butcher Jones Peak. Keep right of the rock outcrop surrounding the summit.

Wrapping around the summit block.

View back toward the Four Peaks and the Salt River as I near the summit of Butcher Jones Peak.

Optional Class 3 move to gain the summit. Alternatively, keep wrapping around to the right and an animal trail will lead up Class 2.

Class 2 option on the west side of Butcher Jones Peak.

Summit of Butcher Jones Peak, view toward the Four Peaks.

Butcher Jones Peak, view toward the Salt River.

Close-up toward the Salt River.
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