Follow Burro Wash from the trailhead.

Eventually, the wash turns a bit more interesting.

We scrambled south out of the wash before the walls got too steep.

Traversing the hills south of Burro Wash. There are a million routes to take here.

We got to this fence at some point.

Overlooking Burro Wash.

Along the rim.

Looking back along the rim.

The landscape starts to get a little trickier toward the end.

Look closely at the bottom and you can see Mike scrambling down.

More scrambling and route-finding.

Eventually, a chasm blocks you, marking the way. Go around the chasm and continue along flat ground to get to the canyon entrance (see map).

Entering the canyon leading to Burro Wash.

Avoiding one of many dryfalls.

The junction with Burro Wash.

Within Burro Wash.

First rappel.

After the first rappel.

This ridiculously massive dome marks the start of the fun.

Entering the narrows.

Lots of fun obstacles.

Second rappel.

After the second rappel.

Narrows open up, but the walls are still super high.

One of many side canyon junctions along the way.

Third rappe. Traverse on the side to get to a tree where there is some webbing, avoiding a pothole.

Bottom of rappel 4, which comes directly after rappel 3.

Back into some fun narrows.

Burro Wash finally opens up completely, great colors all over.

Eventually the beauty ends and spits you back into the sandy wash. Follow the wash back to the trailhead.
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