Burro Peak and Jacks Peak via Continental Divide Trail in Gila National Forest, NM

Hike Burro Peak and Jacks Peak via Continental Divide Trail Gila National Forest, NM

Class 1 10.3 miles 2400 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back Nov 5, 2022

Burro Peak and Jacks Peak via Continental Divide Trail GPX Track

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Burro Peak is the high point of the Big Burro Mountains. It's in a weird part of New Mexico, an area not quite to The Gila, but also not really in the Chihuahuan Desert either. From afar it doesn't look like much, but it's actually a nicely forested range with the well-maintained continental Divide Trail leading to nearly the summit. After a driving fiasco earlier in the day, I was thrilled for this marked trailhead just off the highway.

Starting out from the Jacks Peak Trailhead, I followed the CDT north as it headed through shrubs and scraggly trees, slowly gaining elevation as it ascended the slopes up into more forested scenery. With only a couple of small drops along the way, the trail is really just an uphill slope until the peak. After about 4 miles I reached a junction with Jacks Peak Road. This road is used to access Jacks Peak and the radio towers on its summit, but I noticed the CDT seemed to continue on the opposite side. Maps of the CDT and previous reports I'd read didn't say anything about this, instead leading along the road, so I wonder if the Continental Divide Trail was recently rerouted? I continued along the trail, which had really nice views to the west through the trees, and wrapped around Jacks Peak to the saddle separating it from Burro Peak. I continued along the slightly steeper CDT as it led to just below Burro Peak, the high point located about a hundred feet to the west in a clearing. The view from the summit was narrow and obscured by brush.

With the hope of getting a better overlook, I backtracked to the saddle with Jacks Peak and started up a trail that's far less maintained, though still easy to follow. It led to Jacks Peak Road just below the summit, and a quick hike along the road brought me to the towers. Happy to have gotten more of a lookout point, I headed down Jacks Peak Road and returned via the CDT.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Burro Peak
8020 ft
2000 rise
Jacks Peak
7980 ft
240 rise

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CDT Jacks Peak Trailhead.
CDT Jacks Peak Trailhead.
Scrubby terrain as I start along the CDT.
Scrubby terrain as I start along the CDT.
Along the CDT, a view toward the slopes above. The trail is a casual ascent without being steep at all.
Along the CDT, a view toward the slopes above. The trail is a casual ascent without being steep at all.
Nice views to the surrounding landscape.
Nice views to the surrounding landscape.
Ascending the southern slope of Burro Peak along the CDT.
Ascending the southern slope of Burro Peak along the CDT.
View back.
View back.
Leaving the cacti behind and entering chaparral.
Leaving the cacti behind and entering chaparral.
Continuing to ascend, the CDT winding around on the twisting sloped ridgeline.
Continuing to ascend, the CDT winding around on the twisting sloped ridgeline.
Image 8 from gallery
Image 9 from gallery
About halfway up, I got a view toward Jacks Peak's radio towers.
About halfway up, I got a view toward Jacks Peak's radio towers.
Some nice forest walking.
Some nice forest walking.
Image 12 from gallery
Junction with Jacks Peak Road. Just across the road the CDT continues.
Junction with Jacks Peak Road. Just across the road the CDT continues.
Burro Peak seen left.
Burro Peak seen left.
View back along the CDT as it wraps around Jacks Peak.
View back along the CDT as it wraps around Jacks Peak.
Nearing the saddle, Burro Peak on the left.
Nearing the saddle, Burro Peak on the left.
From the saddle, headed north toward Burro Peak.
From the saddle, headed north toward Burro Peak.
Image 18 from gallery
View back, Jacks Peak seen center.
View back, Jacks Peak seen center.
Summit area of Burro Peak. The high point is just off-trail on the left.
Summit area of Burro Peak. The high point is just off-trail on the left.
Burro Peak summit view.
Burro Peak summit view.
Back at the saddle, Jacks Peak top left out of frame. A less-maintained trail leads up.
Back at the saddle, Jacks Peak top left out of frame. A less-maintained trail leads up.
View back toward Burro Peak before reaching Jacks Peak Road.
View back toward Burro Peak before reaching Jacks Peak Road.
Along Jacks Peak Road, leading to the summit of Jacks Peak.
Along Jacks Peak Road, leading to the summit of Jacks Peak.
Jacks Peak summit, view north toward Burro Peak.
Jacks Peak summit, view north toward Burro Peak.
Jacks Peak summit radio towers, view southeast.
Jacks Peak summit radio towers, view southeast.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!