Bull Creek South and North Loop in Humboldt Redwoods State Park, CA

Hike Bull Creek South and North Loop Humboldt Redwoods State Park, CA

Class 1 7.8 miles 500 gain 3-5 hrs Loop Jun 18, 2017

Bull Creek South and North Loop GPX Track

I need to offset my substantial website costs somehow! You can download a hike/drive GPX to assist you here. Before sharing my GPX tracks with others, please remember my site is otherwise a free resource.

Back in 2012 when I first attempted the Bull Creek Loop, I learned a valuable lesson about getting caught up in the blissful state of mind you get while exploring the ancient Redwoods. I went off-trail to explore, and after climbing on downed redwoods amongst lush everything, I decided to cross Bull Creek from  Bull Creek North to the paralleling South Trail. Obviously, I couldn't find the trai and isntead got really caught up in the foliage. There were dead-ends where massive redwoods overlapped each other and growth everywhere blocked the way. It was amazing to see what off-trail, untouched redwood forest looks like. Often, I'd step and my foot would sink into the uncountable years of undergrowth. Soon, I realized I had not found the trail and wasn't sure where I was. It took another hour to find my way and get back to my car. Oops.

So, I went back to do the entire loop, and I'm really glad I did. To be honest, the Bull Creek North trail was unremarkable and basically followed a fairly well-traveled State Park road, but the South trail was gorgeous and felt more secluded. At the halfway point, at a spot called "Big Trees Day Use Area", the trees were exactly that: really, really big, moreso than most of the hike.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Starting along the Rockerfeller Loop Trail.
Starting along the Rockerfeller Loop Trail.
Bull Creek on the left. I took the northern part of the loop first.
Bull Creek on the left. I took the northern part of the loop first.
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Some views of Bull Creek, but mostly just a lot of beautiful redwood trees.
Some views of Bull Creek, but mostly just a lot of beautiful redwood trees.
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The trail meets up with another trailhead and then goes over Bull Creek for the Bull Creek Trail South return.
The trail meets up with another trailhead and then goes over Bull Creek for the Bull Creek Trail South return.
I couldn't help myself.
I couldn't help myself.
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Ladders to get over a big fallen tree, and a bridge over a small stream. Much of this trail is pretty well-manicured, to say the least.
Ladders to get over a big fallen tree, and a bridge over a small stream. Much of this trail is pretty well-manicured, to say the least.
Bull Creek below to the left.
Bull Creek below to the left.
At the end of the trail, heading down to Bull Creek.
At the end of the trail, heading down to Bull Creek.
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Crossing Bull Creek to complete the loop.
Crossing Bull Creek to complete the loop.
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2012: first visit
2012: first visit
2012: first visit
2012: first visit
2012: first visit
2012: first visit

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!