From the trailhead, we started along this old dirt road.

A trail cuts the road, and you can take either.

Ascending the road for a couple of miles.

View back as we make progress to the base of the Buffalo Peaks.

Buffalo Peaks coming into view ahead.

The road walk is mostly forested, though.

A junction with a cairn marking the correct way.

After leaving the road, we navigated the sometimes brushy slope, only annoying because everything was wet.

View back toward the road as we continue ascending the slope on Class 2 talus.

East Buffalo Peak (center) and West Buffalo Peak (right). We ascended to the left in this photo.

Another shot back as we reach the top of the slope.

Continuing along the wide ridge to the base of East Buffalo Peak (left).

Ascending East Buffalo Peak.

View back at the wide ridge.

An outcropping that can be worked around at Class 2.

More progress up East Buffalo Peak.

Sticking directly to the crest results in some more Class 2 up the steep talus.

View back at our progress.

Nearing the summit of East Buffalo Peak.

East Buffalo Peak summit.

Onward toward West Buffalo Peak.

Descending Class 2 from East Buffalo.

Some rockier sections along the crest, still Class 2.

Cool rock formations as we ascend to West Buffalo Peak.

View back toward East Buffalo Peak along the ridge.

West Buffalo Peak ahead.

The sun came out as we ascended the tundra and embedded-rock slope.

Almost at West Buffalo Peak, view back toward East Buffalo Peak.

Just below West Buffalo Peak, a view west.

Descending West Buffalo Peak on its northwest side. There's a social trail some of the way down the talus.

After getting past the talus, we curved to the right and wrapped beneath the peaks.

Traversing the mostly tundra slope beneath West Buffalo Peak.

Descending toward the forest below.

View back up at the slope descent from West Buffalo Peak.

Descending below treeline.

A cute stream that we crossed over before navigating through the forest.

View back toward the peaks as we head through the forest.

Once we located this animal trail it was easy hiking, but we did have to bushwhack a little.

After hiking through the forest, we emerged on an old road covered in grass, taking it a short time.

We then headed through this open meadow and curved to the right to regain the approach road we hiked in on, located above on the right.

View back toward the Buffalo Peaks as we hike through the pretty meadow.
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