Starting from the Death Canyon Trailhead.

A junction with the social trail leading away from the Death Canyon, taking us up to Buck Mountain.

A nice meadow as we near Stewart Draw, seen center.

The trail was in great shape, just not as good as the main Death Canyon Trail.

Crossing the creek.

Entering the drainage, Buck Mountain visible ahead.

Ascending next to the creek.

Progress up the slopes.

View back down Stewart Draw.

Buck Mountain top right, Static Peak top left.

Steep section ahead, followed by a boulder field where the trail sort of disappears. Buck Mountain seen top center.

Ascending to the boulder field.

Class 2 boulder field.

A shot back at our progress from the center. Albright Peak visible top right.

Class 2 for a bit until we cleared the boulder field.

Another shot back at the top of the boulder field.

Tundra. Buck and Static seen ahead.

View back as we near Timberline Lake.

Timberline Lake. Static Peak seen top left.

Approaching the base of Buck Mountain, Grand Teton poking out behind. The route leads to the weakness in the center.

Looking back as we start up Buck Mountain.

At the base of Buck Mountain. Straight leads up a Class 2+ gully. Keeping left out of the gully is Class 2 grassy ledges.

Ascending traverse up to Buck Mountain, currently obscured by clouds.

View back along the grassy ledges option. On the far left you can see the gully option.

Another shot back. We came up from the valley floor on the top right.

Class 2/3 stuff.

We got funneled into this Class 2/3 gully both on the ascent and descent, though there's possibly other options.

View back down the wide gully.

Class 2/3 fun.

View back again as we take slightly different routes up the peak.

Nearing the summit after 1500+ feet of Class 2/3 ascending.

View back just below the summit.

View north toward the Grand Teton massif.

Grand Teton!

View west.

View back the way we came.

View south toward Static Peak and Albright Peak.

A shot on our way back toward Static Peak's east ridge.

Back at Timberline Lake.

Class 2 talus field leading to Static Peak's east ridge. You can see the steep-looking slope we'd be clawing up shortly to reach the ridge in the center.

Yay, loose garbage!

View back toward Buck Mountain and Timberline Lake.

On Static's east ridge. We kept left of the initial cliffy stuff.

Class 3 move below the cliff.

Class 2/3 loose stuff to regain the rigeline.

View back along the ridgeline.

Mostly easy, steep hiking to the summit.

View back.

Approaching the summit, Buck Mountain seen over there.

View back, Timberline Lake below.

Static Peak summit, view toward Buck Mountain.

View west.

View south toward Albright Peak (left) and Prospectors Mountain (center).

Albright Peak top left, seen as we descend from Static Peak.

View back toward Static (right), buck poking out on the left.

Wrapping around an outcropping as we make our way down to the base of Albright Peak.

View down into Death Canyon.

Approaching the base of Albright Peak.

View back as we ascend Albright Peak along a social trail.

Cool cliff along Albright's east face.

Just below the summit of Albright Peak, view north.

Class 2 up to Albright Peak.

View into Death Canyon and of Phelps Lake.

Static, Buck, The Grand.

Descending along the Alaska Basin Trail into Death Canyon.

View back.

Death Canyon far below, many switchbacks away.

Some nice views of the pinnacles to the north.

Getting lower.

Death Canyon below.

Death Canyon cabin at the junction with the Death Canyon Trail.

Along the Death Canyon Trail.

Phelps Lake below.

View back up Death Canyon.

Looking back into the mouth of Death Canyon.

A few hundred feet of ascending to get up to what's called the "Phelps Lake Overlook".

Phelps Lake below.

Lovely lighting as we headed back along the Death Canyon Trail to reach the trailhead.
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