Headed through the open desert to a major drainage below Hidden Benchmark.

Entering the drainage.

Lots of Class 2 boulder-hopping.

View back down the drainage.

We reached the saddle of Hidden Benchmark and Arrow Peak (top center), then headed north along the ridgeline to Hidden Benchmark.

Hidden Benchmark ahead.

View back toward the ridgeline.

Hidden Benchmark top right, Broken Arrow on the left. There were some Class 2/2+ cliff bands to negotiate or avoid on the way up.

View back again, Question Mark Peak on the left, Arrow Peak on the right.

Hidden Benchmark summit, view toward Broken Arrow (left).

Approaching the cliff band protecting Broken Arrow. Its cliff looks really hard from here.

Approaching Broken Arrow's southern ridge. Before reaching the featured Class 3 section, this lighter-colored cliff band added some scrambling. We headed left around its base.

Around the left side of the lighter-colored cliff band.

Adam scoping the Class 3 section to get over the lighter-colored cliff band.

Past the lighter-colored cliff band, the really fun Class 3 section up Broken Arrow.

View down from the Class 3 section. You can see the lighter-colored cliff band in the center that we also scrambled up just before.

Adam coming up the Class 3.

Broken Arrow summit, just past the scramble. View north.

Broken Arrow summit, view east.

Broken Arrow summit, view west.

Broken Arrow summit, view south toward Hidden Benchmark (left) and the high peaks of the Arrow Canyon Range (right).

We headed back over Hidden Benchmark and then down toward Question Mark Peak, center.

Approaching Question Mark Peak. The terrain was pleasant

A few hundred feet of rocky walking to the summit of Question Mark Peak.

Question Mark Peak summit, view back toward Hidden Benchmark (right). The saddle separating Arrow Peak from Hidden is visible far left. We would have to get back to that saddle in order to return to the cars.

Close-up toward the traverse from Arrow Canyon Range High Point to Arrow Peak.

We descended back north from Question Mark Peak and turned west at a saddle, descending into this drainage. You can see Arrow Peak on the top left, the saddle we are headed for top center.

View back toward Question Mark Peak (top right). The drainage we came down from left of center.

Almost back to the cars, view back toward the Arrow Canyon Range, Broken Arrow on the left.
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