Starting along the Pine Creek Trail. There are a mix of photos from 2016 with Shawn and 2023 with Amanda in this report to create a more cohesive report.

Entering Pine Creek Canyon. We took the north fork (right), aka Fern Canyon. Mescalito visible in the center.

Within Fern Canyon (north fork of Pine Creek).

Pretty narrows with Fern Creek Canyon.

Within the narrows.

Amanda beach-whaling on a large boulder obstacle.

Gorgeous flowing water within Fern Canyon.

Lots of fun boulder obstacles, many avoidable.

Continuing up more bouldery obstacles.

At the base of a waterfall with a Class 2 route on the right within the brush.

Looking back past the waterfall, ascent gully to avoid this waterfall is seen on the left.

Photo looking up Fern Canyon, shortly after the waterfall obstacle, a detour that led us out of the drainage for a moment. The head of the drainage is seen right of center, which is where we're headed. We followed the slickrock on the right and eventually dropped back into the drainage.

View back along the slickrock.

Back within the drainage. Lots more fun obstacles with Fern Canyon, like this rabbit hole crawl-through.

Years later, the same rabbit-hole is a much more difficult obstacle since the debris was washed away.

Ascending more fun sandstone obstacles.

Almost at the head of the drainage before getting to slickrock and sandstone cliffs.

Navigating Class 2/3 terrain to escape the drainage.

View back down into Fern Canyon's head as we ascend the slickrock above.

A tricky move.

More Class 3, cairns assisting our route-finding in this complex area.

View back at the Class 3 move from the previous photo.

Higher up, view back into Fern Canyon.

Squeeze through the rock seen here.

Some navigating up/down as we wrap around a serious cliff face.

A convenient ledge.

Class 2+/3 up this slickrock.

Another shot back as we hike along a steep, wide sandstone bench.

Bridge Mountain seen above.

It's counterintuitive, but the route leads left toward the serious-looking sheer face, since the cliffs basically just drop off on the right.

Approaching the final Class 3 obstacle before gaining the standard route to Bridge Mountain. The route leads up the rib left of center.

Amanda on the rock rib trying to strike a sexy pose while scrambling up to the Class 3 move.

Class 3 move on a sloped sandstone ledge. Bridge Mountain seen top center. Past here it's a little bit of ascent and we were on the main ridge and could take the standard route to Bridge Mountain.

On the ridge, view east toward Bridge Mountain.

Class 2/2+ stuff as we dropped down along the ridge to Bridge Mountain, then started up toward it.

The first Class 3 section, an extended crack/chimney.

The full Class 3 section, a nice crack/chimney toward the base of the peak. An important ledge up there leads out of the crack.

Looking down at Shawn coming up the Class 3 section just before the important ledge, the ridge visible above. The standard Bridge Mountain approach comes from the center of this photo.

The ledge leads to more slickrock scrambling just before the natural arch.

Bridge Mountain's bridge!

Looking back at the bridge.

An interesting bowl full of trees on the left ("Hidden Forest"), Bridge Mountain top left. Our route follows the wide rib in the enter, then works up the diagonal crack leading to the upper left corner.

On the wide rib.

About to head across the gorgeous rib.

Looking back toward the interesting tree-filled bowl.

Starting up the Class 2 ramp leading just shy of Bridge Mountain's summit.

Bridge Mountain summit, view west toward the ridge we followed.

Bridge Mountain summit, view east toward Las Vegas.

Bridge Mountain summit, view south. Rainbow Mountain and Mount Wilson on the left.

Some cool colors.

A shot on the way back within Fern Canyon somewhere.
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