Looking back at the trailhead after starting the quick scramble into Gifford Canyon.

Gifford Canyon.

The scramble up the west side of Gifford Canyon toward the Bowl.

Shawn scrambling a little as we attempt to route-find up the slope.

The Bowl.

Looking into the Bow from a few feet from the saddle.

The saddle overlooking the canyon we'd be descending into.

Overlook into the canyon. The way down is farther along the cliff edge to the right.

Looking up at Destination Peak. We had to pull a Class 3 move to get over some ledges, then took a nice ramp down into the canyon.

Within canyon.

Mountain lion tracks! Definitely super fresh.

Exiting the canyon and following Hepworth Wash toward Bridge Mountain.

Bridge Mountain appears in the distance.

A cool rock face to the right.

Bridge Mountain to the left (a bit of lens distortion, oops). First we wanted to go to Crawford Arch. To get there, head to the notch on the right (in this picture, it is just to the right of the biggest pine tree).

The Notch to the northeast of Bridge Mountain leading toward Crawford Arch.

Looking back down the Notch, the ascent we just came up.

Descend a bit. This is the other side of the Notch.

Shawn scrambling down the Notch.

Overlooking the road into Zion Canyon. Turn left around here to get to the chimney.

Shawn trying to figure out the best way up the chimney.

After a half hour, we figured out a route.

Definitely low fifth class, but big holds. We jammed our bodies into the rock in every possible spot.

Emerging from the little crevice after the chimney.

Photo by Shawn of me also coming out of the rock crack.

A view after emerging from the crack from the chimney scramble. That's the main Zion National Park canyon.

Photo by Shawn of me walking toward Crawford Arch.

Crawford Arch!

Definitely way cooler than we thought it would be. So thin and with no people to see it.

After leaving Crawford Arch and backtracking, we headed to the southeastern canyon at the base of Bridge Mountain.

Looking up at Bridge Mountain. Our route wasn't totally clear just yet.

The slabby 2nd class ascent that quickly turned 3rd class.

Shawn scrambling.

Looking back down the gully on Bridge Mountain.

Photo by Shawn of me on the first tough scramble section.

The orange rock slowly turned to white rock, and the scrambling quickly got much more serious. This was our last nice view before we started questioning our summit.

The first scary traverse. It's very exposed and has a bit of sand on the surface.

The second scary traverse. It's a lot less dangerous and has a nice lip the whole way.

Photo by Shawn of me finishing up the second scary traverse.

Shawn taking in the views along the second traverse.

The last bit of the second traverse before getting to the serious 4th-5th class section.

Me looking down at Shawn as he comes up the hard scramble.

Shawn looking over an exposed section after finishing the second traverse.

Photo by Shawn of me slowly making my way up. Yes, it's very exposed.

Me finishing up the 4th class exposed climb.

The last scary section. I'm smiling with fear, and also likely coming back down to rethink what I was doing.

After the white rock scrambles, the rock turns to yellow bands, and it's back to easier 2nd class.

Last approach to the Bridge Mountain summit.

Shawn at the summit

Overlooking Zion Canyon (north) from the Bridge Mountain summit.

Looking south from the summit.

Photo by Shawn of me enjoying the views in the wind. ;)

The last people to sign the summit register in a year and a half.

After slowly making our way back down, we checked out Bridge Mountain on the way back. It looks a lot less intense from the ground.
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