I parked a bit before this sign since the road got much worse.

Barrier for wilderness. I headed into Bridge Canyon on the right in this photo.

Within Bridge Canyon, heading east.

Some cool features along the descent.

Bridge Canyon is usually wide like this, but there are some narrow section and short sections of slickrock beauty.

View back up the canyon.

A wider portion of the canyon.

A nice narrow section with lots of granite on the sides.

Cool water-carved feature.

Within one of the few narrow portions.

A spring with some light bushwhacking.

Looking back at the spring.

Continuing down Bridge Canyon.

View back up toward a little scrambly bit.

Looking back at a particularly bad 20 feet of thorny brush.

Entering the deepest, coolest narrows of Bridge Canyon.

Before turning a bend.

Close-up of the narrows.

First drop.

View back at the first drop.

Deeper, more pretty narrows past the first drop.

View back up the narrows.

Second drop.

Close-up of the drop.

View back toward the second drop. I downclimbed on the left.

On the way out of the narrows after the second drop.

View back toward the narrows.

Continuing down Bridge Canyon.

Laughlin Highway above. I headed through the metal drain ahead.

On the other side, Bridge Canyon opens into a wash.

I followed the wash until it narrowed a bit.

Class 2 drop into a narrower section.

I turned around here since ahead was thick-looking brush and I'm pretty sure I saw the majority of what Bridge Canyon had to offer.
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