Boynton Canyon Trail.

The trail parallels a resort (seen on the left).

The Boynton Canyon Trail heads through the trees as it works its way to the head of Boynton Canyon.

Nice views of the surrounding cliffs.

The trail becomes a bit more steep before reaching the end of the trail.

End of the Boynton Canyon Trail, view to the rim.

End of the Boynton Canyon Trail, view down into Boynton Canyon.

Doing the Boynton Canyon Trail was initially supposed to be only used as an approach trail for us to a peak that we failed on, so as a consolation Matt and I headed to the end of the trail to feel like we accomplished something. This photo is of our wanderings in attempt to find that peak.

Some ruins that I won't disclose the location of, found somewhere in one of the side canyons on our attempt to the failed peak.
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