Hiking up along the gravel Mill Canyon Road.

Meadows along Mill Canyon Road.

ATVs only past this point.

View back as I continue ascending Mill Canyon Road.

Another meadow along Mill Canyon Road.

The road then bends here and...

...I was confronted with this awful situation. Lots of downed trees intentionally placed.

Past the trees, a view back as Mill Canyon Road ascends above treeline.

Boulter Peak ahead. To the right (out of frame) is Peak 8240. I left the ATV road to head toward it.

View back along Mill Canyon Road before heading toward Peak 8240.

Sometimes brushy along the way to Peak 8240.

Peak 8240 ahead.

Lots of open spots and wildflowers on my way up to Peak 8240.

View back, Boulter Peak seen far right. Dry Lake seen center.

Some light views west on the way to Peak 8240.

Summit of Peak 8240, Boulter Peak seen right.

Back on the ATV road, approaching Dry Lake.

View north, back the way I came.

A spur road pops out on the right soon, leading to Boulter Peak's east ridge.

Shot back toward Peak 8240.

Boulter Peak ahead.

Boulter Peak summit, view toward Peak 8240.

Boulter Peak summit, view northeast. Dry Lake seen left, County Line Ridge seen right.

Close-up toward the meadow-filled ridgeline to come.

View back along the ATV road along the ridgeline.

Another shot back.

Gorgeous views along the way.

Another shot back, Peak 8240 seen right of center.

View toward the Wasatch along the ridgeline.

Final bit to County Line Ridge seen top right.

Another shot back, Peak 8240 seen right, Boulter Peak left of center.

Heading down through the meadows, Peak 8240 seen left of center. You could follow the meadow to reach Mill Canyon again, but I decided to just take an alternative route (blue line on attached map). I didn't take photos of my descent route, but it was fine.
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