Black Mountain (Cave Creek) in Black Mountain Summit Preserve, AZ

Hike Black Mountain (Cave Creek) Black Mountain Summit Preserve, AZ

Class 1 2.4 miles 1300 gain 1-2 hr Out + Back Mar 30, 2024

Black Mountain (Cave Creek) GPX Track

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Black Mountain is a super-popular exercise hill within Cave Creek, Arizona. I parked in one of the few designated Black Mountain parking spots and started up a paved road. It leads up a hill and through a neighborhood to a dead-end, the start of the trail marked by a brown sign reading "Black Mountain Trail". The hike was basically just a straight line south to the summit, the trail mostly dirt and wide enough for hiker traffic going in both directions. Aside from two rocky portions up steeper segments that slow everyone down, there were surprisingly minimal conga-line formations. Due to the large amount of foot traffic, there are short side-trails that veer off, but ultimately they led back to the main route. The trail flattens briefly along the ridgeline, with a view of the waving American flag on Black Mountain's summit. It's a short jaunt from here to gain the summit. There are no remarkable views of suburbia to be found here, so I turned right around and headed back down.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Black Mountain
3398 ft
1018 rise

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A brief hike along a paved road to a dead end.
A brief hike along a paved road to a dead end.
Start of the Black Mountain Trail.
Start of the Black Mountain Trail.
Black Mountain ahead.
Black Mountain ahead.
View back into Cave Creek.
View back into Cave Creek.
Rocky section of trail.
Rocky section of trail.
Ascending the north ridge.
Ascending the north ridge.
Black Mountain ahead, a flatter section of trail before the final push.
Black Mountain ahead, a flatter section of trail before the final push.
Black Mountain summit flags past a short, rocky section.
Black Mountain summit flags past a short, rocky section.
Black Mountain, view southwest.
Black Mountain, view southwest.
Black Mountain, view southeast.
Black Mountain, view southeast.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!