From the trailhead, the red blazed trail leads along an old roadbed for a time.

Passing over a couple of bridges.

At a junction. Left leads up to Blackhead Mountain, right up to the saddle of Black Dome and Blackhead. I recommend doing Blackhead first, but I did this hike keeping right first, to Black Dome.

Heading up to Black Dome.

Stream crossing.

Switchbacks on the way up.

At the saddle of Black Dome and Blackhead Mountain.

Up to Black Dome.

Steep with some fun, light Class 2.

View back along the narrow, steep trail.

The only view point on the way up to Black Dome.

View toward Blackhead Mountain. Hopefully you have better weather.

Continuing to Black Dome's summit.

Black Dome summit.

Back at the saddle, onward to Blackhead Mountain.

View back along the way to Blackhead Mountain, the only viewpoint on this peak.

Passing over the summit of Blackhead Mountain.

Junction just past the summit. I wrapped around this big boulder to descend from Blackhead Mountain.

The trail gets steep.

Basically straight down the mountain on roots and boulders.

View back up the steepest section on the descent from Blackhead Mountain.

Junction, keep left.

I headed back to the trailhead on the same old roadbed I started in on.

Little waterfall along the way.
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