Black Dome and Blackhead Mountain Loop in Catskill State Park, NY

Hike Black Dome and Blackhead Mountain Loop Catskill State Park, NY

Class 2 6.6 miles 2300 gain 2-4 hrs Loop Jul 19, 2021

Black Dome and Blackhead Mountain Loop GPX Track

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I haven't hiked in the Catskills in a long time, so it was really pleasant to get into an area I used to visit when I lived in the northeast. Black Dome eluded me back then, but it's a major prominence peak for Catskill standards. It's best looped in with Blackhead Mountain, which is a fun little peak to add on. These comprise the two taller peaks in the Windham Blackhead Range. I did the loop counter-clockwise (which is how I'll report the hike below), but I'd recommend doing Blachead Mountain first because its east ridge is very steep and would be more fun to scramble up rather than down.

The Big Hollow Road Trailhead is easily accessible by any car. I started along the red blazed trail (wow it's nice to have blazes for a change). After a couple of bridge crossings, I kept right at a junction and followed the red trail to the saddle separating Blackhead Mountain from Black Dome, then started up Black Dome's steep east ridge. Along the way there was one scenic overlook that would have given me a view of Blackhead to the west if it wasn't foggy. It had some short, enjoyable Class 2 sections along the trail. The summit was uneventful, no views and your typical northeast hump whose true high point is difficult to determine.

I headed back to the saddle and started up Blackhead Mountain along the yellow trail, one nice overlook along the trail (fog-obsctructed for me today, womp). This ascent was less steep than to Black Dome. Just past the high point, a junction pointed me north along the blue trail, which descended a steep and rocky "trail". I love the northeast's rooty and bouldery trails that lead directly up and down peaks. They're always a fun time. Like I mentioned the descent from Blachead Mountain would likely be more enjoyable as an ascent instead. The trail continued to a junction, where I kept left onto the yellow trail, passed a shelter, and met back with the first junction.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Black Dome
3980 ft
2060 rise
Blackhead Mountain
3940 ft
500 rise

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From the trailhead, the red blazed trail leads along an old roadbed for a time.
From the trailhead, the red blazed trail leads along an old roadbed for a time.
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Passing over a couple of bridges.
Passing over a couple of bridges.
Image 3 from gallery
At a junction. Left leads up to Blackhead Mountain, right up to the saddle of Black Dome and Blackhead. I recommend doing Blackhead first, but I did this hike keeping right first, to Black Dome.
At a junction. Left leads up to Blackhead Mountain, right up to the saddle of Black Dome and Blackhead. I recommend doing Blackhead first, but I did this hike keeping right first, to Black Dome.
Heading up to Black Dome.
Heading up to Black Dome.
Stream crossing.
Stream crossing.
Image 7 from gallery
Switchbacks on the way up.
Switchbacks on the way up.
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Image 10 from gallery
At the saddle of Black Dome and Blackhead Mountain.
At the saddle of Black Dome and Blackhead Mountain.
Up to Black Dome.
Up to Black Dome.
Image 13 from gallery
Image 14 from gallery
Steep with some fun, light Class 2.
Steep with some fun, light Class 2.
View back along the narrow, steep trail.
View back along the narrow, steep trail.
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The only view point on the way up to Black Dome.
The only view point on the way up to Black Dome.
View toward Blackhead Mountain. Hopefully you have better weather.
View toward Blackhead Mountain. Hopefully you have better weather.
Continuing to Black Dome's summit.
Continuing to Black Dome's summit.
Black Dome summit.
Black Dome summit.
Back at the saddle, onward to Blackhead Mountain.
Back at the saddle, onward to Blackhead Mountain.
Image 23 from gallery
View back along the way to Blackhead Mountain, the only viewpoint on this peak.
View back along the way to Blackhead Mountain, the only viewpoint on this peak.
Passing over the summit of Blackhead Mountain.
Passing over the summit of Blackhead Mountain.
Junction just past the summit. I wrapped around this big boulder to descend from Blackhead Mountain.
Junction just past the summit. I wrapped around this big boulder to descend from Blackhead Mountain.
The trail gets steep.
The trail gets steep.
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Image 29 from gallery
Basically straight down the mountain on roots and boulders.
Basically straight down the mountain on roots and boulders.
View back up the steepest section on the descent from Blackhead Mountain.
View back up the steepest section on the descent from Blackhead Mountain.
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Image 33 from gallery
Image 34 from gallery
Junction, keep left.
Junction, keep left.
I headed back to the trailhead on the same old roadbed I started in on.
I headed back to the trailhead on the same old roadbed I started in on.
Image 37 from gallery
Little waterfall along the way.
Little waterfall along the way.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!