The Garden Trailhead. Keep right for Big Slide Mountain.

Along The Brothers Trail.

Pretty deciduous forest scenery down low.

Crossing a creek.

Ascending into rockier terrain.

Making my way along the ridgeline.

Some initial views, which occur sporadically throughout the hike.

View down at a Class 2 section.

Some scrambling up some bedrock.

View back down some steeper hiking on bedrock.

A view toward The Brothers and Big Slide Mountain ahead.

A fun section of Class 2 scrambling.

A switchback that utilizes a natural rock ramp.

View back along the ridgeline.

More steeper hiking.

Progress through the forest.

Big Slide Mountain ahead.

A pleasant combination of forest walking with brief scramble sections.

Close-up of the mosses in the creek.

A beautiful, lush creek crossing.

Junction with the trail leading down toward Johns Brook. I kept right here to access Big Slide Mountain.

A lengthy ladder ascent to the summit.

View back down the ladder.

Big Slide Mountain just ahead.

One more quick steep section.

Big Slide Mountain summit, view east.

Big Slide Mountain summit, view west.

Close-up toward the Adirondack High Peaks.
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