Starting along the cairned Big Tubes Area trail.

A sign marking the direction of the different caves and features.

Natural lava bridge on the right. Big Skylight Cave is behind me.

Entrance to Big Skylight Cave.

Big Skylight Cave

Big Skylight Cave's skylight. There is some pretty moss below it with a sign reading not to step on it.

Entering Big Skylight Cave.

Looking back toward the skylight before entering Big Skylight Cave.

Above looking down into the skylight of Big Skylight Cave.

Walking along the Natural Bridge.

Giant Ice Cave.

At the back of Giant Ice Cave.

Ceiling of Giant Ice Cave.

Entrance to Four Windows Cave.

Four Windows Cave was my favorite.

Mosses within Four Windows Cave.

Entering Four Windows Cave, looking back toward the entrance.

Some long-exposure shots of Four Windows Cave.

Heading toward Caterpillar Collapse.

Caterpillar Collapse.

Entering the rocky ground of Seven Bridges.

Under the first bridge looking toward the second bridge.

The gap between the first two bridges.

Seven Bridges.

Third bridge is more of a tunnel.

Going under the third bridge.

There were more bridges, but I got the point and decided to exit the tube and head back.
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