Cross over a bridge over a canal. Big Horn Peak visible on the right. Most beta seems to say you should go over a hump and back down, then cross a gate without signage, but had a padlock. Instead continue along the fence until it makes a 90 degree angle headed east. You're in wilderness and didn't need to trespass.

Some ruins along the way.

Big Horn Peak, just a desert walk away.

Approaching the ridge (right) that I'd use to get up.

Along the southern ridge leading to Big Horn Peak.

Looking back down the southern ridge, my car in the center somewhere near the canal.

More difficult scrambling coming up, lots of cholla cacti to avoid in the meantime.

Class 2 stuff that gets progressively more difficult.

Looking back down the Class 2 scrambling.

Approaching some easy Class 3 moves.

At the ridgeline just east of Big Horn Peak's summit.

Thoughtful Class 3 move in the center of this photo to gain the summit.

Looking back down the Class 3 section.

Big Horn Peak summit, looking south.

Big Horn Peak summit, looking north.

Big Horn Peak summit, close up of the ridgeline I came up on on the left. My car is on the top right somewhere by the canal.
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