Class 3 7.3 miles 2200 gain 4-6 hrs Out + Back Mar 9, 2019

Big Horn Peak GPX Track

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Big Horn Peak is a fun desert peak just off the Interstate. Though it requires a long walk through open desert, the scrambling toward the summit makes up for it. Adam Walker recommended this one to me, and I'm glad I added it in at the end of the day. I'm personally not a fan of hiking on government property with a "4 months in prison" warning, so I opted ignore the standard beta for the approach which requires you to hop a gate. I instead followed the fenceline for a bit and sure enough, I was able to locate a route into the wilderness area without hopping the fence. An easy walk through the desert ensues, the ascent ridgeline obvious pretty much the whole way. you'll notice Big Horn Peak has two layers, like a cake. The first layer is easy to get to, and then the fun begins as you ascend cake layer 2. You also pass some blocked off ruins along the way, though I have no idea for what they were used.

After you head up the approach slope to the ridgeline, Class 2 stuff leads you to the second cake layer's base, where you have to work hard to avoif cholla cacti as you reach a weakness in the southwestern cliff faces. I'm sure there are multiple ways up the first bit of this section, but eventually you'll want to work your way to the east to bypass some gnarly cliffs. There were cairns from here to the summit, along with a couple of short Class 3 moves and an avoidable (though fun) vertical wall of solid rock. The somewhat tricky route-finding is over as you reach the summit ridgeline, and you'll be greeted by a crux, a Class 3 blocky scramble. The views are lovely, especially to the north, and you can sign an over-stuffed summit register (it was full of useless recycled pieces of paper and about 7 pens, but I didn't clear it out because maybe they had value or something maybe?). Return the way you came. My route down the upper cake layer was different from my ascent, so I combined the two into the best route on the map attached.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Big Horn Peak
3480 ft
1400 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Cross over a bridge over a canal. Big Horn Peak visible on the right. Most beta seems to say you should go over a hump and back down, then cross a gate without signage, but had a padlock. Instead continue along the fence until it makes a 90 degree angle headed east. You're in wilderness and didn't need to trespass.
Cross over a bridge over a canal. Big Horn Peak visible on the right. Most beta seems to say you should go over a hump and back down, then cross a gate without signage, but had a padlock. Instead continue along the fence until it makes a 90 degree angle headed east. You're in wilderness and didn't need to trespass.
Some ruins along the way.
Some ruins along the way.
Big Horn Peak, just a desert walk away.
Big Horn Peak, just a desert walk away.
Approaching the ridge (right) that I'd use to get up.
Approaching the ridge (right) that I'd use to get up.
Along the southern ridge leading to Big Horn Peak.
Along the southern ridge leading to Big Horn Peak.
Looking back down the southern ridge, my car in the center somewhere near the canal.
Looking back down the southern ridge, my car in the center somewhere near the canal.
More difficult scrambling coming up, lots of cholla cacti to avoid in the meantime.
More difficult scrambling coming up, lots of cholla cacti to avoid in the meantime.
Image 7 from gallery
Class 2 stuff that gets progressively more difficult.
Class 2 stuff that gets progressively more difficult.
Image 9 from gallery
Looking back down the Class 2 scrambling.
Looking back down the Class 2 scrambling.
Approaching some easy Class 3 moves.
Approaching some easy Class 3 moves.
At the ridgeline just east of Big Horn Peak's summit.
At the ridgeline just east of Big Horn Peak's summit.
Thoughtful Class 3 move in the center of this photo to gain the summit.
Thoughtful Class 3 move in the center of this photo to gain the summit.
Looking back down the Class 3 section.
Looking back down the Class 3 section.
Big Horn Peak summit, looking south.
Big Horn Peak summit, looking south.
Big Horn Peak summit, looking north.
Big Horn Peak summit, looking north.
Big Horn Peak summit, close up of the ridgeline I came up on on the left. My car is on the top right somewhere by the canal.
Big Horn Peak summit, close up of the ridgeline I came up on on the left. My car is on the top right somewhere by the canal.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!