From the pull-out, along a less-good road to the start of Peak 1712, seen center.

Up a wash, then to the gully seen center.

We dropped into another drainage, following it north.

Some nice features along the way.

Obstacle ahead.

Peak 1712 poking up on the left.

Some short narrows.

Scrambling out of the narrows.

Peak 1712, center.

An interesting pinnacle.

Fun, but avoidable Class 3 up a dryfall.

View back down the wash.

We took the most pleasant-looking ridge option.

Peak 1712 ahead.

View back down, our wash ascent seen center.

On the east ridge, heading up,

Class 2+ around an outcropping.

Peak 1712 summit. Colorado River and Peak 1927 (next up) top center.

View northwest.

Back at the pull-out, I dropped into a wash.

And headed up another wash.

Keep right here, leaving the main wash.

I took the lesser drainage to its head. View back, Peak 1712 seen left of center, Willow Beach Peak right.

Descending into Grotto Wash. Peak 1927 seen center.

Entering Grotto Wash.

Narrows ahead.

Entering the narrrows.

View back up as I avoid a dryfall.

Grotto Wash looks exciting!

Some pretty narrows.

View back as I head deeper through the narrows.

A series of shallow pools.

Grotto Wash opens up briefly.

And then narrows significantly.

A hairpin turn.

Gorgeous volcanic walls.

Some flowing water within Grotto Wash.

Grotto Wash narrows open up into a cattail-filled cove. No thanks.

I returned to here within Grotto Wash, taking the right side-drainage now.

Some cool features within the side-drainage.

I headed up the slope on the right since there were cliffs on the left.

View back down into the drainage I came out of.

Down into another drainage. Peak 1927 seen center.

Fun formations within this drainage.

Ascending to the east ridge of Peak 1927.

Gorgeous view toward Lake Mohave.

Peak 1927 ahead.

Summit of Peak 1927, view toward the western side of the Colorado River.

Shot down toward the river.

Summit of Peak 1927.

View north. I came up the drainage seen center.

Onward to the east. Malpais Flattop Mesa seen center.

View back toward Peak 1927 through lovely desert.

Then up and down a bunch of ridges/drainages to get back to my car.

On top of a larger ridge, almost back in Grotto Wash, completing my little loop.
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