Starting south from the trailhead on a fairly well-defined trail.

Looking back along the trail. Stay out of the wash. The trail only crosses the wash, without staying in it.

Looking toward the entrance valley (car in the center somewhere).

Looking back as we ascend to the northwest, the trail keeping to the slopes, paralleling a drainage.

Approaching the south saddle of Big Hatchet Peak, where the trail ends.

Looking back toward the saddle (we came up from the left). The trail ended at the saddle, so we continued north up the ridge.

Steep ridge.

Looking back.

Approaching the ridgeline toward Big Hatchet Peak.

Big Hatchet Peak ahead.

Looking back the way we came along the ridge.

Approaching Big Hatchet Peak.

Big Hatchet Peak.

Big Hatchet Peak summit, view south the way we came.

View northwest from the summit of Big Hatchet Peak.
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